
Tolentino: Carabinieri promote legality with meetings in schools

Educational meetings on legality, bullying and use of social media involve students from different municipalities in the Marche region, strengthening awareness and respect for the rules.

Tolentino: Carabinieri promote legality with meetings in schools.

On November 20th, at the Loro Piceno middle school, the last of a long series of meetings held by the Carabinieri of the Tolentino Company with young students from many municipalities in the area took place. The Carabinieri have chosen the month of November to promote the culture of legality in schools, to talk about respect for the rules, road traffic, bullying and the conscious use of social media, in the period close to the anniversary of November 4, National Unity and Armed Forces Day.

Tolentino: i Carabinieri promuovono la legalità con incontri nelle scuole

The occasion was therefore propitious to explore some themes together with the boys, including Article 11 of the Constitution, the use of the Armed Forces today and then and the sacrifice of so many to obtain freedom and peace today.

Many schools have joined the initiative, which started on October 28th in San Severino Marche, at the high schools, where Major Maggi and Lieutenant CS Lucarelli they met the second year classes of the Eustachio Divini High School.

The following day a similar initiative involved the youngest children, from the primary and lower secondary schools of the “De Magistris” Belforte del Chienti Comprehensive Institute, where very curious and well-prepared children and teenagers asked numerous questions, in particular on bullying and respecting the rules.

Tolentino: i Carabinieri promuovono la legalità con incontri nelle scuole

On November 4, on the occasion of the anniversary, a similar meeting was held with the third-year middle school students at the Lucatelli and Don Bosco schools in Tolentino.
November 6th and November 8th it was the turn of the boys and children of the IC Costantini of San Ginesio and of the elementary and middle schools of Penna San Giovanni and Monte San Martino, while on November 13th Major Maggi and Lieutenant CS Cianci, Commander of the Urbisaglia Station, met the children of the primary school and the students of the lower secondary school of Urbisaglia and Colmurano.

The appointments with the kids, agreed with the Directors of the Institutes, are included in the wider project of the General Command of the Carabinieri having as its object the culture of legality, carried out by the Provincial Command of Macerata, hoping to be able to give a contribution, alongside families and teachers, to the development of a social conscience based on respect and sharing of rules and laws.

Tolentino: i Carabinieri promuovono la legalità con incontri nelle scuole

From the reflection on the negative consequences for the future of certain irresponsible behaviors, the awareness and desire of the young citizens of tomorrow to grow up in a society made up of shared rules for the protection of all emerged… where, for any need, as responsible and participating kids already today, it is always possible to turn to the Institutions, families, teachers and of course the Carabinieri.

Tolentino: i Carabinieri promuovono la legalità con incontri nelle scuole

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