Typicality Evo 2023: from Japan to Macerata exploring the languages ​​of food.

The third edition of Tipicità Evo 19 will kick off in Macerata from 22 to 2023 October. The event opens up to international comparison by following the trajectories of taste.

Typicality Evo 2023: from Japan to Macerata exploring the languages ​​of food.

The third edition of Typical Ages, scheduled 19 from October to 22, opens up to international comparison by covering the taste trajectories, between traditions that become innovations, knowledge and tastings of typical products and "alien species", digital humanism and fusion between cultures, also crossing the arts and the language of music.
The program is very extensive and, in four days, will bring many guests and well-known faces to Macerata who, together with the city's associations and economic operators, will guide the public towards scenarios of good and sustainable future. From the auditorium of the Mozzi Borgetti Library to the Antichi Forni, passing through squares and places animated by associations, with workshops, tasting stands, treasure hunts and guided tours, the entire historic center of Macerata will be involved in the long wave of Tipicità Evo.
University of Macerata and CNR Irbim will make scientific collaboration available to a Festival that also offers many moments of fun, entertainment and tasting of flavors from near and far. Among the well-known faces who will accompany the event, Monica Caradonna and Peppone Calabrese, from Rai Linea Verde, but also Benedetta Rinaldi and Angelo Mellone, also RAI personalities.
Macerata it is a city of very high cultural level in which, with Tipicità Evo, we wanted to talk about new languages ​​of food and evolution – commented the director of Tipicità Angelo Serri -. We are approaching this third edition by taking another step forward compared to previous editions and therefore we will host Japan, a great novelty, with its cuisine and its routes. The goal, together, is that of Expo 2025 in Osaka where we will enhance all our excellences".
"Typical Ages, as I have always emphasized, combines. It unites the territory, the different trajectories of taste, languages ​​and cultures – added the mayor of Macerata Sandro Parcaroli -. An event that enlivens every corner of the city with many international guests, well-known faces, associations, economic operators and institutions; there will be no shortage of surprises and important events. Tipicità Evo is a real transversal journey that represents an enrichment for the city".
“The University believes in Tipicità Evo, a festival that this year we see has grown and enriched with very high quality events; a festival that unites and opens up to the world, projecting our riches beyond national borders – continued the rector of the University of Macerata John Mc Court -. The University therefore acts as an interlocutor for companies in the agri-food sector, involving young people, science and innovation. We therefore support an event that brings value to Macerata and delves into the local culture of food and beyond, giving value to traditions and allowing them to evolve."

Tipicità Evo 2023: dal Giappone a Macerata esplorando i linguaggi del cibo.

Bringing greetings from the regional councilor Andrea Maria Antonini, the regional councilor Anna Menghi. “With the Marche Region we support Tipicità Evo also with the PSR and this means that we believe in a brand that is able to spread agricultural policies and the new path that we are pursuing at a regional level – said lei-lei. A very important topic because we are the largest organic district in Europe and, on the subject of agriculture, Macerata is to the Marche as the Marche is to Italy".
“I fully find myself in this philosophy of valorising the territory – continued the DG of Banco Marchigiano Massimo Tombolini -. We are a bank that invests, that manages savings and investments at the service of the territory but the central theme is to team up alongside businesses, institutions and families, to overcome this moment and, then, restart the organizational and entrepreneurial factor to give quality and make a growth spurt, together”.
“We strongly believe in an international festival that is allowing Macerata to open up to the world and to give opportunities to the local fabric with all the bars and restaurants that have entered the Tipicità circuit – concluded the councilor for Productive Activities Laura Laviano, thanking the municipal offices.
Typicality Evo does not end after these days of events but continues throughout the year and the Macerata Aperitif project is an example of this given that it has allowed commercial businesses to get involved: just think that this year's winner, DiGusto will "transform" into a Japanese-Macerata restaurant for all four days using mainly local products, and some Japanese, revisiting traditional dishes with a Japanese twist. I would also like to underline that it is the first festival created by this Administration and that, thanks to regional funding, it is almost at zero cost for the Municipality".
It starts Thursday 19 with the welcome and hospitality forum, organized by Confcommercio Marche Centrali, with the opening of the “Emotions of the soul” exhibition and with the first day of the circuit of restaurants participating in Tipicità Evo. The 'exotic pop restaurant NippoMediterraneo, with chef Takashi Kido. Both the exhibition and the proposals in the venues will continue until Sunday.
Friday 20, a day characterized by professional content! Opening entrusted to Andrea Maria Antonini, Regional Councilor for Agriculture, with a meeting on "Food languages ​​and the future of the Marche", followed by a focus on "Young people and opportunities of the PSR Marche". And again, an in-depth analysis by Banco Marchigiano and Cassa Centrale Banca on "PNNR and the agri-food sector" and a talk show by Tipicità Evo on "Ethics, science and technology: the languages ​​of food".
From Saturday morning a long two days of appointments, presentations and unusual tastings begin. Among all, the following should be highlighted: Coldiretti meeting on food education; the Shumei model for natural agriculture; the ancient and new languages ​​of wine, edited by AIS; meeting with the writer Motoko Iwasaki entitled “Ingredients and feelings of the soul”, with tasting; delicious aperitif with "trout and Verdicchio". The intense program concludes an evening at the Lauro Rossi theater with the great Japanese maestro and composer Coba, who will offer a journey with an international flavor between languages, cultures and music (LINK for the ticket reservation: ).
The story of Momotaro from the Rising Sun, between food and friendship, will open the Sunday of Tipicità Evo for children and families. In the afternoon, guided tastings of non-native species, starting with "Louisiana near Rome and "Alien Tastings", curated by CNR Irbim. At the Centrale, "The languages ​​of beer" will be explored while Cesare Catà will propose, at the Ricci Asilo, a lesson-show on the sacredness of wine, curated by Copagri.

Tipicità Evo 2023: dal Giappone a Macerata esplorando i linguaggi del cibo.

Tipicità Evo is organized by the Municipality of Macerata in collaboration with the Marche Region, the Marche Chamber of Commerce, the University of Macerata together with trade associations and private partners. It is the stage location of the Grand Tour of the Marche promoted by Tipicità and ANCI Marche.

Banco Marchigiano and Cassa Centrale Banca, Vere Italie, TAF, MGH, Alperia Group, Erede Rossi Silvio and 4fish, Edustar, Di Battista, Meridiana.

Collaborating associations and partnerships:
Accademia di Tipicità, AIS Marche, Amanuartes, Cia, Coldiretti Macerata, Confartigianato MC FM AP, Confcommercio Marche Centrali, CNA, Copagri Marche, CNR Irbim, Macerart&Tour, PIF-International Accordion Award, Shumei-Italian Association.


Tipicità Evo 2023: dal Giappone a Macerata esplorando i linguaggi del cibo.


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