'Teatro Fuori Porta': the project of the “Piccolo Teatro di Milano” to bring the culture of theatre to all areas of Lombardy

13 municipalities were involved (Barlassina, Casalpusterlengo, Como, Corte Franca, Erba, Iseo, Lodi, Meda, Merate, Pavia, Sesto Calende, Treviglio, Voghera), through the activation of a capillary network of composite entities (municipalities, schools, libraries, social promotion associations, cultural spaces) distributed in 8 provinces of Lombardy (Bergamo, Brescia, Como, Lecco, Lodi, Monza and Brianza, Pavia, Varese).

'Teatro Fuori Porta': the project of the “Piccolo Teatro di Milano” to bring the culture of theatre to all areas of Lombardy.

Spread increasingly the culture of theatre in the territories, especially in areas not usually involved in the most consolidated theatre circuits. This is the aim of the project 'Outside the Door Theatre' put in place by the Piccolo Teatro of Milano with the contribution of the Lombardy Region.

The event was presented today at a press conference attended by the regional councillor for Culture, Francesca Caruso, and the director of the Piccolo Teatro di Milano, Claudio Longhi.

'Teatro Fuori Porta' will start on October 3rd and end on December 20th, with 60 events scheduled including recitals by four artists of recognized value (Sonia Bergamasco, Francesco Centorame, Lino Guanciale, Isabella Ragonese), shows in schools and dramatized workshops.

13 Municipalities involved (Barlassina, Casalpusterlengo, Como, Corte Franca, Erba, Iseo, Lodi, Meda, Merate, Pavia, Sesto Calende, Treviglio, Voghera), through the activation of a capillary network of composite entities (municipalities, schools, libraries, social promotion associations, cultural spaces) distributed in 8 provinces of Lombardy (Bergamo, Brescia, Como, Lecco, Lodi, Monza and Brianza, Pavia, Varese).

“We strongly wanted to support this project – Councilor Caruso said – which will help spread events of significant artistic and cultural importance even in unusual contexts. We continue to work concretely to bring prestigious events outside the canonical places: culture is a tool for social cohesion".

"The initiative - Caruso continued – offers important opportunities to get closer to the world of theatre and increasingly expands the range of intervention at a regional level. Also fundamental is the I work with schools to involve children and stimulate their knowledge of theatre art, in the awareness that culture is an antidote to youth discomfort".

“Interpreting, once again, its function of 'public service' – said director Longhi – the Piccolo Teatro is within reach, 'out of town', in fact, to become familiar even in places where it is less common to encounter it. Theatre as an added value in the community centres that permeate Lombardy: not only in spaces dedicated to live performances, but also in libraries, schools, council chambers, where you can find the programming of some of the best Italian theatre, but also a practice of its language”.

THAT TIME I WAS 25 YEARS OLD (Recital) by Giorgio Gaber and Sandro Luporini. With Francesco Centorame.
Thursday 3 October Giusi Spezzaferri Municipal Auditorium, Merate 21pm
Friday 4 October Palazzo Rezzonico, Barlassina 20pm
Saturday 5 October Auditorium 1861 Unità D'Italia, Corte Franca 20pm.

COME D'ARIA (Recital) by Ada d'Adamo, adaptation Fabrizio Arcuri. With Isabella Ragonese.
Saturday 5 October Teatro Sociale, Como 20:30 pm
Saturday 23 November Teatro Nuovo, Treviglio 21pm.

LA DUSE AND US (Recital), dramaturgy Sonia Bergamasco and Marianna Zannoni. With Sonia Bergamasco.
Monday 28 October Cinema Teatro Politeama, Pavia 20:30 pm
Monday 16 December Teatro Comunale Carlo Rossi, Casalpusterlengo 21pm.

THE GOD OF ROSERIO (Recital) by Giovanni Testori. With Lino Guanciale.
Saturday 23 November Valentino Garavani Theatre, Voghera 20:30 pm
Saturday 30 November Cinema Teatro Excelsior, Erba 21pm
Saturday 14 December Antiquarium, Golasecca 17pm.

SPEAK OUT LOUD (Workshop) by Michele Dell'Utri and Diana Manea.
Monday 28 October Municipal Library, Sesto Calende 15:30 pm
Monday 25th November Bergognone Art School, Lodi 10am
Tuesday 26 November Municipal Library, Corte Franca 17pm
Wednesday 27 November Abate Carlo Cameroni Municipal Library, Treviglio 16pm
Saturday 30 November Alberto Bertoni Municipal Library, Barlassina 10am
Sunday 1 December Council Chamber of Villa Confalonieri, Merate 16:30 pm
Thursday 5 December Unitre, Voghera 15:30 pm
Friday 6 December Unitre, Como 16pm.
Tuesday 10 December Salone Teresiano of the University Library, Pavia 16pm.
Friday 20 December Giuseppe Pontiggia Municipal Library, Erba 16pm.

The proposal consists of four 'classroom shows' that make up a tailor-made program, made of reciprocity and dialogue, of 'school at the theater' and of 'theater at school', where teaching is combined with reasoned entertainment, study with that relational component that is fundamental to facilitating every learning path. Daniele Cavone Felicioni, Michele Dell'Utri, Diana Manea, Giulia Trivero bring four protagonists of the theatrical tradition into the classroom, to reflect, together with students and teachers, on some key themes of our contemporary world.

Monday 28 October Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa Higher Education Institute,
Sixth Calende 11:30 am
Thursday 31 October Liceo Statale MG Agnesi, Merate 11:15 am
Tuesday 26 November Giacomo Antonietti Higher Education Institute, Iseo 11:00
Wednesday 27 November Salesians Don Bosco, Treviglio 11:30 am
Thursday 28 November Marie Curie State High School, Meda 11:05 am
Friday 29 November Maffeo Vegio State High School, Lodi 11am
Tuesday 10 December Taramelli – Foscolo High School, Pavia 11am
Thursday 12 December Galilei State High School, Voghera 11am
Friday 13 December Alessandro Volta Classical and Scientific High School, Como 11:10 am
Thursday 19 December Carlo Porta State High School, Erba 12pm.

'Teatro Fuori Porta': il progetto del "Piccolo Teatro di Milano" per portare la cultura del teatro in tutte le aree della Lombardia

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