Arezzo, the third appointment of the Consiglio Musicale cultural initiative is arriving
A review to get to know the city's young musical talents
Arezzo, the third appointment of the Consiglio Musicale cultural initiative is arriving.
Third date Thursday 1st December at 21.00pm Music Council, the initiative organized by Presidency of the City Council on the initiative of President of the culture commission Ilaria Pugi and councilor Roberto Bardelli.
After Walter Umberto, Short story e Zalex, to perform in the City Council Hall, also with a strictly acoustic concert, will be Frambo, a very young musician from Arezzo with two EP to his credit between indie, pop and electronic sounds.
Another great opportunity to get to know and appreciate our young musical talents and enter the heart of the city's politics.
The initiative was organized in collaboration with “Arezzo that Rocks” and will be followed and broadcast live by RadioFly. Partner, Flower Workshop.
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