Benevento: the fourth edition of the literary review "Readings at the Palace" begins

The event will begin with the presentation of the historical novel "Heart of a woman in the ancient village" by Michele Ruggiano.

Benevento: the fourth edition of the literary review "Readings at the Palace" is underway.

On Wednesday day May 4, 2023, at 17:00 pm, at the hall Ancient Theater of Palazzo Paolo V, with reading and presentation of the historical novel"Heart of a woman in the ancient village” by Michele Ruggiano, starts the IV edition of the literary review "Readings at the Palace”, within the scope of campaign national "The May of books”, which the Municipality of Benevento also joined this year.

To make it known è the councilor for Culture and Libraries, Antonella Tartaglia Polcini, that explains: “This year, for the first time, the exhibition will involve multiple places and, in some cases, as in the first of the episodes dedicated to the anniversary of the 1943 bombings, it will take on the “appearance” of a “traveling and shared reading” not only “in contexts” but also “of context”. In addition to the Antico Teatro room of Palazzo Paolo V, there will also be literary events at the neighborhood library of the Piccolo Teatro Libertà and the gardens of Villa dei Papi. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the associations adhering to the local Reading Pact and some local authors for the collaboration offered. In particular, among the signatories of the local pact and the members, the Carmen Castiello Study Center, the Aps “Tanto per... gioco”, the FA.BA (Association of families of autistic children), the Aps “Together for...", the principal Michele Ruggiano, doctor Lucia Caruso and the USELTE (Sannita University of the Free Age and the Third Age), the teacher Luigi Giova, the Istituto Comprensivo “G. Moscati”, the “Virgilio” Higher Education Institute, the “Convitto- San Filippo” Comprehensive Institute and the Eidos Theatre”.

Benevento: al via la quarta edizione della rassegna letteraria "Letture a Palazzo"

Il program of the evening of Wednesday May 4, after the institutional greetings of Mayor, he predicts speeches by the Councilor for Culture and Libraries, Antonella Tartaglia Polcini, from the professor Nicola Sguera e by the author of the book, Michele Ruggiano, accompanied by readings of passages from the text by Principal Patrevita and violin notes by the maestro Giuseppe Morante.

Below the complete IV program edition of the literary review “Readings at the Palace".
- May 4th at 17pm, at the Sala Antico Teatro of Palazzo Paolo V, reading and presentation of the book "Heart of a woman in the ancient village” by Michele Ruggiano
- 5 May at 16: 30, in the Sala Antico Teatro of Palazzo Paolo V, reading and presentation of the book "The four seasons to the rhythm of Tumpa” by Luigi Giova
- 9 and 10 May at 10:00 am, in the gardens of Villa dei Papi, dramatized reading of the fable "Pinocchio” curated by Teatro Eidos
- 12 May at 16: 30, at the Municipal Library of Palazzo Paolo V, shared reading workshop and storyboard "Fairy tales in CAA (Augmentative Alternative Communication)” edited by the FA.BA association (Families of autistic children)
- 13 May at 16: 00, in the Sala Antico Teatro of Palazzo Paolo V, reading and presentation of the book "Educating in dance” by Elena Viti edited by “Carmen Castiello Study Center".
- 15 May at 9: 00, at the Municipal Library of Palazzo Paolo V, “80th anniversary of the bombing of Benevento”: guided tour and shared reading by the IC “G. Moscati”, of the IIS “Virgilio-Artistico” and the IC “Convitto- S. Filippo”
- 18 May at 10: 00, in the gardens of Villa dei Papi, dramatized reading of fairy tales: "King Arthur" curated by Teatro Eidos
- May 19th at 17pm, at the Sala Antico Teatro of Palazzo Paolo V, reading and presentation of the book "I love you to live” by Lucia Caruso in collaboration with USELTE (Sannita Third Age University)
- May 23rd and 24th at 10:00 am, in the gardens of Villa dei Papi, dramatized reading of the fable "The cicada and the ant” curated by Teatro Eidos
- 23 May at 16: 30, in the Sala Antico Teatro and the Sala S. Caterina of Palazzo Paolo V, presentation of the "Catalog of inks” and inauguration of the exhibition by the architect Giuseppe Villani
- May 26th at 17pm, at the neighborhood library of the Piccolo Teatro Libertà, dramatized reading "Waiting for silence” edited by Aps “Just for fun…”
- 30 May at 16: 30, in the Sala Antico Teatro of Palazzo Paolo V, reading and presentation of the book "The girl who writes” by Sara Ciafardoni edited by APS “Together for…”.

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