
The events scheduled as part of "Christmas in the City 2023" continue, the program of events planned by the Municipality of Campobasso during the Christmas holidays.

Many initiatives are planned for the week from 15 to 21 December

The events scheduled as part of "Christmas in the City 2023" continue, the program of events planned by the Municipality of Campobasso during the Christmas holidays.

Many initiatives are planned for the week from 15th to 21st December: on Friday, Saturday and Sunday the appointment with the “Christmas in the Village”, which will wind along Via Cannavina, Largo San Leonardo and Via Ziccardi, curated by the “Molise Creativo” Association in collaboration with the “M. Ziccardi” and the traders of the historic centre. The ancient village will also be the location, on Sunday 17th, for the traveling exhibition with Christmas music "Quanne nascette Ninne" curated by Molise Radici, while Piazzetta Palombo will host two other events of Palombo Food in Festival, Friday 15th and Sunday 17th, curated of APEM and the shops in the square.

There are also various appointments with “What do you KNOW about Christmas?”, at Santa Claus' house set up in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II where children will be able to compete with the various activities planned by ASSeL, curator of the initiative.

There is also space for reading, with the presentation of the volume “Campobasso in Comune” (Saturday 16th), the online initiatives “Silent Book Club” and “The Book Club” (Monday 18th), with “The gift of the book”. Ceremony welcoming children born in 2023 into the Community and reading meetings for families with children between 0 and 6 years old, both scheduled for Wednesday 20th.

Instead scheduled for Saturday 16th, at Museum of Mysteries, the opening of the exhibition “800..from Francesco to our days – The nativity scenes of Giovanni Teberino”, curated by the Misteri e Tradizioni Association, which will remain open until 7 January 2024; another exhibition of nativity scenes, this time curated by the Presepisti Molisani, will be set up in the spaces of the Circolo Sannitico starting from Wednesday 20th and until 6th January 2024.

Finally, there will be no shortage of musical initiatives, with the concert by the harpist Valerio Lisci at the Savoia Theater (Saturday 16th), organized by the Amici della Music and the concert “A Very Christmas”, curated by the Molise Symphony Orchestra (Wednesday 20th at the Responsible Research Hospital) and artistic with Gino Berardi's solo show “From impressionism to abstract-informal” at the Molise Cultura Foundation from Saturday 20th and until December 30th and "Tradition in the art of ceramics" by the IC Colozza of Campobasso (Saturday 20th at the Circolo Sannitico).

Two appointments with “Carousels of light – Choreographic rhythmic gymnastics” organized by ASD FisioPro Gym (Saturday 16th in Largo San Leonardo and Thursday 21st in Villa Musenga), while Sunday 17th will be the turn of "Let's Goal - Towards the goal with the 2023 Agenda", an educational workshop on environmental sustainability curated from Progetto 136, Risguardi and Aladino Association. Finally, on Wednesday 20th, the screening of the film “A pace of man” by the local section of the Italian Alpine Club at the Giovannitti Auditorium – Palazzo della Gil.

The complete program can be viewed below link


Continuano gli appuntamenti previsti nell’ambito di “Natale in Città 2023”, il cartellone di eventi programmati dal Comune di Campobasso nel periodo delle festività natalizie.

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