
Teramo: 81st anniversary of the battle of Bosco Martese celebrated

Mayor D'Alberto at the Bosco Martese celebrations quotes Aldo Moro: “The Resistance 'comes from far away and goes far away'”.

Teramo: 81st anniversary of the battle of Bosco Martese celebrated

On the morning of September 25th the Mayor Gianguido D'Alberto and the President of the City Council Alberto Melarangelo They participated, representing the Municipal Administration, in the celebrations for the81st Anniversary of the Battle of Bosco Martese, organized by ANPI. Celebrations in which some delegations from various schools in the province also took part.

"Here, among our mountains, soldiers from various corps and departments, ordinary citizens, workers, students, partisans of different nationalities who escaped from the internment camps of Corropoli and Nereto - the mayor recalled - wrote History, laying the foundations of our Constitution. Today, to truly pay homage to them, in a time when various wars remind us that democracy and freedom are not values ​​acquired forever, we must rediscover and transmit to new generations those values ​​that inspired the women and men of the Resistance".

Teramo: celebrato l'81° anniversario della battaglia di Bosco Martese

In his speech the Mayor recalled, quoting the words of the Founding Father Piero Calamandrei, that the Constitution "is not a machine that once started moves forward by itself. The Constitution is a piece of paper, I drop it and it doesn't move: for it to move we need to put fuel back into it every day; we need to put in the commitment, the spirit, the will to keep these promises, our own responsibility. For this reason, one of the offenses that are made to the Constitution is indifference to politics". The mayor of Teramo, addressing the students, then underlined the importance of resuming the path of "building a European democracy, still unfinished, and which represents the main achievement of the Liberation, following the path already traced by Altiero Spinelli and Ernesto Rossi in the Ventotene manifesto".

Teramo: celebrato l'81° anniversario della battaglia di Bosco Martese

“As Aldo Moro reminded us, the Resistance 'comes from afar and goes afar'. Words that still today represent a warning – concluded the Mayor. As Moro himself highlighted, in fact, 'the acquisition of democracy is not something firm and stable that can be considered achieved once and for all. It must be guaranteed and defended, deepening those values ​​of freedom and justice that are the great popular aspiration consecrated by the Resistance. Our anti-fascism is therefore not only a very noble ideal affirmation, but a direction of life, a principle of coherent behavior'. Long live Bosco Martese, long live the Resistance".

Teramo: celebrato l'81° anniversario della battaglia di Bosco Martese

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