Syracuse, the General States of Cinema at the Maniace Castle: three days of meetings on the audiovisual system in Italy

The importance of the audiovisual is highlighted and supported by the president of the Region Renato Schifani and the councilor Elvira Amata

Syracuse, the General States of Cinema at the Maniace Castle: three days of meetings on the audiovisual system in Italy. 

The event, promoted and organized by the Sicilian Region in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and ENIT, aims to share ideas and projects with the participation of authoritative representatives of the cinematographic sector, including directors, producers, actors, screenwriters, distributors and critics. Particular focus, through the vertical dedicated to "Tourism and Cinema".


They will take place from 12 to 14 April 2024 at the Maniace Castle in Syracuse, on the island of Ortigia, the “General States of Cinema”, which will deal - among the key themes - with tax credit, film tourism and internationalisation, to start and nourish an observatory on the dynamics and prospects of the audiovisual system. Three days of debates, talks and round tables, with over 200 authoritative representatives from the entire Italian cinema sector. The event aims to explore opportunities and trends, share ideas and projects, with the participation of authoritative representatives of the sector, including directors, producers, actors, screenwriters, distributors, critics and other key figures in the field of professional training. In this setting there will be a window on the "Tourism and Cinema Vertical".

The appointment – The “General States of Cinema”, promoted and organized by the Sicilian Region, through the Department of Tourism, Sport and Entertainment, in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Enit, were strongly desired for the key role that the audiovisual plays a role in the cultural and artistic economy of the Island, an importance highlighted and supported by the president of the Region Renato Schifani and by the regional councilor for Tourism, Sport and Entertainment Elvira Amata.

«Investing in the audiovisual sector – declares President Schifani – means making our Island increasingly present on international stages with notable repercussions in economic and image terms. We therefore wanted to bring together the main representatives of the film industry to listen and open a space for discussion on the objectives and needs of the sector. This event is a key moment in the implementation of our strategy to strengthen film tourism which has been experiencing non-stop expansion for years and which sees Sicily among the privileged destinations».

«A privileged opportunity for discussionunderlines councilor Amata - with all the actors in the cinematographic chain which significantly contributes to stimulating a qualified moment of reflection and proactive elaboration on the sector and which constitutes, at the same time, an element of consolidation of the strong conviction of the role acquired by cinema over time in all its expressions. A further opportunity from which to invest more and more collectively in the audiovisual sector, further implementing the attractiveness of our extraordinary landscape, naturalistic, architectural and cultural heritage, also from a tourist point of view. I am certain that the contributions that will emerge from this strategic meeting, which marks a turning point in the supply chain sharing approach, will form the basis for future choices and strategies for an increasingly active and dynamic sector».

The event, which makes use of the scientific direction of Antonella Ferrara and the scientific consultancy of Federico Pontiggia, is aimed at analyzing and strengthening policies for the benefit of the development of the film industry. And it aims to involve, through active participation processes, professional associations, cultural institutions and other relevant organizations in the decision-making process, to ensure effective collaboration between the private sector and the public sector in achieving common objectives.


The program – The “General States of Cinema” aim to talk about the audiovisual industry in a changing world, between authorial requests, industrial challenges and social repercussions, reflecting on scenarios and trends, critical issues and strengths. From production to exhibition, from distribution to festivals, from film commissions to awards, from tax credit to direction, between round tables and variable geometries of the "here and now". Large spaces for debate will also be dedicated to technological infrastructures, which due to their peculiar connotation are marking a revolution in the creative industries of the future, and, at the same time, they will enjoy in-depth analyzes in thematic areas such as artificial intelligence and the socio-economic impact on the territory generated from productions. Among the events open to the public, Friday April 12 at 21 pm in Piazza Duomo in Ortigia there will be a screening of the restored version of the film “Italian-style divorce”, while Saturday 13, again at 21pm in Piazza Duomo, the concert “Side Notes” by Nicola Piovani.

Siracusa, gli Stati generali del Cinema presso il Castello Maniace: tre giorni di incontri sul sistema audiovisivo in Italia

Film tourism in Italy and Sicily – The space that will be given to film tourism is important – with the “Tourism and Cinema Vertical” of MiTur – a winning model of cultural economy, and its role for Italy and in particular for Sicily, as a destination for large film productions. The vocation of the Island, a natural open air film set, is confirmed by the recent cases of the American series The White Lotus, by the new chapter of the Indiana Jones saga and by the series The Lions of Sicily and The Art of Joy. The event will have as its backdrop the evocative interiors and panoramic terraces of Castel Maniace in Syracuse, with a view to highlighting the historical-cultural and artistic vocation of Sicily: a tribute to the genius loci and to the cinematography that exalted it and delivered it to collective memory.

In detail, according to the data provided by the Film commission Sicily, there were over 20 million euros paid for film productions in the three-year period 2021-2023, with more than 100 funded projects, including films, series, shorts and documentaries. For 2024, however, the new announcement was recently published online: among the expected rewards, those for those who invest the most within the Region, including workers, actors and other figures, and those for the most sustainable productions.

Siracusa, gli Stati generali del Cinema presso il Castello Maniace: tre giorni di incontri sul sistema audiovisivo in Italia
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