Seventieth anniversary of the return of Trieste to Italy: celebrated last Saturday 26
Historical reenactments and official ceremonies in the city of Trieste to commemorate October 26, 1954, with the presence of the highest authorities and significant events in the city.
Last Saturday, October 26, 2024, we celebrated the seventieth anniversary of the return of Trieste to Italy (1954).
The institutional celebrations of the Municipality of Trieste began in the morning in Piazza dell'Unità d'Italia, in the presence of the Flags, the Gonfalone of the City of Trieste, the Armed Forces, the Police Forces, the political, civil and religious authorities.
They brought greeting addresses, in the following order, Mayor Roberto Dipiazza, the representative of the Regional Council Fabio Scoccimarro and the Minister for Relations with Parliament Luca Ciriani. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni sent a message of good wishes (see full text in attachment) which was read publicly. Then the President of the Senate Ignazio La Russa intervened.
The flag-raising ceremony and the passage of the flag through the sky followed. National Acrobatic Patrol “Frecce Tricolori”, with musical repertoire curated by Fanfare of the Bersaglieri of San Donà di Piave.
Mayor Roberto Dipiazza began and concluded his speech by quoting the speech given by his predecessor Gianni Bartoli, the first democratically elected mayor of Trieste, on the occasion of October 26, 1954.
Mayor Roberto Dipiazza he also retraced the history that preceded and followed the second redemption of Trieste: “In the climate of the Cold War, Trieste, a crossroads of cultures and peoples, was contested between Italy and Tito's socialist Yugoslavia, with the United States and the United Kingdom interested in mediating to avoid an escalation of the conflict in south-eastern Europe. After almost a decade of uncertainty and international political tensions, the London Memorandum was finally signed on 5 October 1954 between Italy, Yugoslavia, the United States and the United Kingdom. With this agreement, Zone A, including Trieste, was returned to Italy, while Zone B remained under Yugoslav control. On 26 October of the same year, Italian troops entered Trieste, officially sanctioning the return of Italian sovereignty. Trieste, with its rich multicultural past and its role as a bridge between Italy and the Balkans, continues to represent a living testimony to the historical complexities and tensions that characterized Europe in the 26th century. But 1954 October XNUMX remains in the Italian collective memory as the day when Trieste finally returned home.".
Addressing Mayor Roberto Dipiazza, the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni he wrote: "If in the First World War Trieste had been the symbol of the completion of the Risorgimento, at the end of the Second World War it embodied a completely different story, with the 40 days of Yugoslav occupation, the Foibe massacres, the Anglo-American administration, the looming consequences of a treaty that separated Trieste from Italy, confining it to a “Free Territory”. The loss of the eastern Adriatic provinces – Pola, Fiume and Zara – and the consequent Exodus of Italians from those lands was joined by a new question of Trieste, a city disputed between Italy and Yugoslavia, between the free world and the communist world. But the Trieste question has never remained confined to the diplomatic dispute between chancelleries and relations between governments. It was a question of the people, which inflamed the hearts of an entire generation of Italians.".
At the end of the formality, the mayor Roberto Dipiazza privately received in the Blue Room of the Town Hall the President of the Senate, Ignazio La Russa, and the head of the political secretariat of Fratelli d'Italia, Arianna Meloni, who thus had the opportunity to meet Mrs. Annamaria Marincovich, born in Fiume in 1936 and emigrated to Argentina in 1952 (see following press release).
The institutional celebrations continued at 15pm in the City Council Hall with a ceremony in the presence of the highest city authorities, representatives of the Armed Forces, the Police Forces and the Banners of the Combatant Associations.
Finally, at 17 pm in Piazza dell'Unità d'Italia, the flag lowering and the final performance by the Fanfara dei Bersaglieri di San Donà di Piave took place.
The institutional programme also includes the historical re-enactment of the Rome-Trieste Relay 2004-2024, organized by the ASD Gruppo Sportivo San Giacomo, in co-organization with the Municipality of Trieste, with the following schedule: in the morning, athletes will meet in Piazza dell'Unità d'Italia for the transfer to the Redipuglia Shrine; a wreath will be laid at the Shrine and some musical pieces will be performed by the Fanfara dei Bersaglieri di San Donà di Piave; in the early afternoon, the torch relay will depart towards Trieste; a short stop at the patriotic monuments in the Municipality of Duino Aurisina; arrival at Trieste central station (16 pm) and in Piazza dell'Unità d'Italia (16.30:XNUMX pm) with the lighting of the tripod.
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