Seven films linked to Veneto at the Rome Film Fest
“There are seven works related to Veneto present at the Rome Film Fest. An important result that projects our region onto the screens of such a relevant event for the world of cinematographic culture. It is the sign that the commitment of the regional administration in this increasingly strategic sector is starting to bear fruit. In fact, we will see the mountains of Cadore thanks to “A Sudden Case of Christmas” by Peter Chelsom filmed by Notorious. And again the images of Cortina in “Storia di una notte” by Paolo Costella. They are all made with the regional contribution through the PR Fesr 2021-2027 programming, as is “Duse, the Greatest” by Sonia Bergamasco. Finally, we should mention “Squali” by Alberto Rizzi, produced by Veronese Magenta, a journey through the panoramas of Lessinia, the docufilm AGO co-produced by Veronese KPlus Film and two other titles made by Venetian directors, “Berlinguer. La Grande ambizione” by Andrea Segre and “Still Here” by Veronese Suranga Katugampala.
The president of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia, thus announces the start of the Rome Film Festival, scheduled 16 from October to 27.
“Thanks for this result also go to the Veneto Film Commission, which has the task of assisting productions that film in the Veneto region. Cinema is a sector in which the regional administration strongly believes, dedicating support, investments and actions that, combined with the valuable work of the Veneto Film Commission Foundation, today constitute “the Veneto cinema system”. Thanks also to European structural funds, 2018 million euros will be invested from 2027 to 30 with the aim of supporting the growth of companies operating in the sectors of culture, entertainment and film production, promoting innovation processes and increasing employment levels”.
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