Sassari. 18th edition of the “Spaces for dreams” event dedicated to the valorization of cultural heritage.

Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th May the eighteenth edition of the event dedicated to the valorization of cultural heritage.

Sassari. 18th edition of the “Spaces for dreams” event dedicated to the valorization of cultural heritage.

4 5 Saturday and Sunday in May the eighteenth edition of the event dedicated to the valorization of cultural heritage.

Propose and support the need and ability of communities to create spaces, physical and virtual, for the pursuit and realization of dreams, whether they have already been realized, therefore memory, or to be achieved, therefore evolution and future. This is the objective of the 2024 edition of Monumenti Aperti, entitled “Spaces for dreams”.

With seventy-eight municipalities, between Sardinia and the Peninsula, the twenty-eighth edition of Open Monuments is the richest ever. On the threshold of thirty years, the event involves an ever-increasing number of local administrations in its network with many new arrivals on the island and important confirmations on the national front.

This is the eighteenth edition for Sassari of the event coordinated by the Imago Mundi association and carried out with the commitment of the municipal administration and thanks to the availability of volunteers. Cultural initiatives are planned aimed at enhancing and understanding the beauties of the city and its territory.

In the booklet being distributed, downloadable in the digital version ( e, is It is possible to consult the complete program of the event and all the information on the monuments, opening hours and the various initiatives that enrich the event.

The news.

The 2024 edition offers a series of new features: the Segni palace, the Porta Nuova palace and the church of San Gavino Martire in Bancali, recently renovated and strongly supported by Father Manzella in the the Thirties New in 2024 is the itinerary of the Liberty villas in the Cappuccini district.
After the absence of recent years, the diocesan historical archive in Piazza Duomo reopens. Furthermore, following numerous requests, the CAI Section of Sassari, compared to previous years, has planned an additional excursion on the rural paths of Logulentu on Saturday afternoon at 15pm.

The sites in Sassari.

They are forty sites and four itineraries proposed for the 2024 edition of Open Monuments, scheduled for Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th May, with numerous new features.
Also coming for 2024 the division into four articulated and varied paths is proposed again which suggest to visitors numerous particularly representative sites and places that tell the story of the city.
Within the route "In the heart of the historic center" some of the most significant city monuments are included: Palazzo Ducale with the Rooms and Cellars of the Duke, the cathedral of San Nicola, the Diocesan Museum, the historical diocesan archive, the churches of San Michele and San Giacomo, the Palazzo dell'Insinuazione – home to the “Enrico Costa” municipal historical archive, the Town Hall and the “San Donato” primary school, the oldest educational institution in the city.
The discovery of the historic center continues with the “Inside the walls” route: the guides will illustrate the history of the Infermeria San Pietro palace, the church of Sant'Andrea, the Rosello Fountain, the Quesada di San Sebastiano palace - home of the Circolo Sassarese, the Usini palace - home of the municipal library, the Casa Tomè – which currently houses the civic school of music, the University building, the Porta Nuova palace and the Archbishop's Seminary with the Diocesan Library.
We continue “Beyond the walls” with the nineteenth-century city and the neighborhoods adjacent to the historic center. Also on this route we find palaces and monuments of great value such as the Banco di Sardegna palace, the Segni palace, the historical museum of the Sassari Brigade, the Provincial palace, the Giordano Apostoli palace, the Fondazione di Sardegna palace, the University Library of Sassari, the Casa Santi Angeli, the Casa Cugurra, the elementary school of San Giuseppe, Villa Sant'Elia, the “Eugenio Tavolara” Pavilion, the Santa Maria di Betlem museum complex, and the crypt of the Church of Sant'Agostino.
The “City and territory, between history and nature” route brings together places of culture and monuments located in the peripheral neighborhoods and in the countryside: the MUNISS - University Museum of the University of Sassari, the church of the Madonna di Montserrat, the MAS.EDU museum, the Sanctuary of Nostra Signora del Latte Dolce, the country churches of Sant'Orsola, of San Gavino Martire in Bancali and of San Francesco, finishing with the monument that represents the value of the cultural heritage of our territory, the pre-nuragic Sanctuary of Monte d'Accoddi .
For security reasons Reservations are required for visits to the Palazzo di Città (online on the site and for the crypt of the Church of Sant'Agostino (

The itineraries.

In addition to the four routes, which group the sites on the basis of the urban evolution of the city, the thematic itineraries "Thàmus, museum and cultural Sassari", "Rural paths" are proposed again – route that will allow you to discover the ancient paths that connected the towns of Logulentu, Badde Tolta, Eba Giara, Filigheddu, Luna and Sole – and “The nature trails” discovering Lake Baratz.
Reservations are required for guided tours of the “Rural Trails” (online on the site to for the “Nature trails” (Telephone 079 533097 from Monday to Friday 8.30/12.30 – email:
New for 2024 is the itinerary of the Liberty villas in the Cappuccini district, edited by the “Pertini – Biasi Comprehensive Institute. During the walk you will be able to admire the exteriors of some of the most beautiful villas and tell the story of the families who lived there.


There are numerous initiatives organized to make visits more pleasant: musical moments, workshops, shows, exhibitions, traveling and storytelling shows. The complete program of initiatives is available in the booklet being distributed, which can be downloaded in the digital version ( e

Guided tours.

Students from the city's schools will accompany the visitors: “Guglielmo Marconi” State Scientific and Linguistic High School, “Giovanni Spano” State Scientific High School, “DA Azuni” Classical, Musical and Dance High School, “Margherita di Castelvì” State High School, “Filippo Figari” Artistic High School, National Canopoleno Boarding School – High Schools , Industrial Technical Institute “GM Angioy”, Professional Institute for Food, Wine and Hotel Hospitality Services, State Institute of Higher Education “GM Devilla”, Comprehensive Institute “Farina – San Giuseppe”, Comprehensive Institute “Pertini – Biasi”, Comprehensive Institute “ San Donato”, “Latte Dolce Agro” Comprehensive Institute, “Brigata Sassari” Comprehensive Institute, Europa Institute

Of fundamental importance was the participation of bodies, institutions and private individuals who joined the event by making available for the opening of the monuments and of those who allowed the realization of the collateral events: Autonomous Region of Sardinia – Department of Local Authorities, Finance and Urban Planning, Province of Sassari, University of Sassari, MUNISS – Scientific Museum of the University of Sassari, University Library of Sassari, “Mario Sironi” Academy of Fine Arts of Sassari , Archdiocese of Sassari, Diocesan Historical Archive, Metropolitan Primate Parish of San Nicola, Diocesan Museum - Church of San Michele, Church of Santa Maria di Betlem, Parish of Sant'Agostino, Parish of Our Lady of Sweet Milk, Church of San Gavino Martire in Pallets, Historical Museum of the Sassari Brigade, 3rd Bersaglieri Regiment of the Sassari Brigade, Sardinia Foundation, Costantino Nivola Foundation, Confartigianato Imprese Sassari, Industrial Association of Northern Sardinia, Banco di Sardegna, Banca Intesa Sanpaolo SpA, ATP Public Transport Company of Sassari, Palazzo Segni, Intergremio Local Coordination Group City of Sassari, Gremio dei Massai, Gremio dei Sarti, Gremio dei Viandanti, Gremio dei Muratori, Archconfraternity of Prayer and Death, Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament, Civic School of Music of Sassari, National Body for the protection and assistance of the deaf Onlus - Provincial section of Sassari, CooperativaAreté, Circolo Sassarese, Associazione Nostra Signora del Latte Dolce, Casa Santi Angeli, Famiglia Berlinguer, Quiteria Association for historical and cultural promotion, FIDAPA Section of Sassari, International Inner Wheel Club of Sassari, Garden Club of Sassari, CEAS Lago Baratz, Committee San Francesco, CAI (Italian Alpine Club) – Sassari Section, Club “Il Volante”, School of dance, musical and theater Scarpette Rosse® ASD and APS of Sassari, Nova Euphonia Vocal Ensemble, City of Sassari Student Choir.


The monuments can be visited for free on Saturday from 17pm to 21pm and on Sunday from 10am to 21pm. The opening hours of some monuments may not coincide with those of the event.
At the inauguration, scheduled for 16.30 pm in Piazza Castello, there will be students, teachers, civil, religious and military authorities and all those who collaborated in the creation of this edition. The Fanfare of the 3rd Bersaglieri Regiment of the Sassari Brigade will accompany the opening of the event.
The Infopoint of the Municipality of Sassari in Piazza d'Italia will be open on Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 13pm and from 15pm to 20pm to receive information on monuments, events and visit routes.
Also this year the panoramic tour "Discovering Sassari with Oreste" will be proposed again, in collaboration with the Sassari Public Transport Company. The bus will leave from Piazza d'Italia on Saturday 4 May every hour from 17pm to 20pm and on Sunday 5 May every hour from 10am to 13pm and from 17pm to 20pm.
As every year, the Lis interpreting service will be available in collaboration with the National Agency for the Protection and Assistance of the Deaf Onlus - Provincial Section of Sassari.
The live story will also take place on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, the event's national social channels.
The official tag is: #MonumentiAperti2024. The video contents will be available on the Monumenti Aperti YouTube channel.

Sassari. 18° Edizione della manifestazione "Spazi per i sogni" dedicata alla valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale.

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