Sarnano, Sarnano-Sassotetto concluded: Peroni and Faggioli are the winners who win the Scarfiotti Trophy

The persistent fog on the upper part of the route forced the Sibillini time trial dedicated to Scarfiotti to take place on a route shortened by half.

Sarnano, Sarnano-Sassotetto concluded: Peroni and Faggioli are the winners who win the Scarfiotti Trophy.


The weather difficulties that characterized the Saturday of official testing also ended up affecting the race day of the Lodovico Scarfiotti Trophy, the second round of the Italian Modern Mountain Championship and the second of the Italian Historic Car Championship. In the late morning, given the unresolved fog problem in the upper part of the route, the Race Direction found itself forced to decide to shorten the route to at least allow the event to take place, using approximately half of it up to the area of ​​the former cable car at the height of station 26 after 4150 meters. The start of the historic cars, which opened the day, was postponed from 9:00 to 12:30, with the revolution of all phases of the event.

Even on this shorter route, the Florentine Stefano Peroni did not disprove the odds as he took his consecutive overall successes to five, with the faithful Martini Mk32-Bmw single-seater. Also on the podium were Mario Massaglia from Turin (Osella Pa9/90) and father Giuliano Peroni on Osella Pa8/9, respectively winners of the 4th and 3rd Grouping. In the 1st the other Florentine Tiberio Nocentini (Chevron B19) won and in the 2nd the Modenese Giuliano Palmieri (De Tomaso Pantera). Excellent performances by Alessandro Rinolfi (Mini Cooper S) and Mario Straffi (Fiat 128) from the Marche, second in the 1st and 2nd Grouping, by Alessandro Pieroni (Fiat Giannini 650NP), Marco Gentili (Fiat X1/9) and Roberto Pierucci (Bellasi F3) third in 2nd, 3rd and 5th respectively. Following the modern race he expressed his absolute verdict in favor of Simone Faggioli (Norma M20FC), the sixth seal in Sarnano of the great Tuscan champion who also imposed himself in this "short" race with the gaps reduced to a minimum, only 2 ”5 in the top five at the finish. The finale was exciting, with the succession of improvements in the times that decreed the order of Faggioli, Degasperi, Di Fulvio, Fazzino and Lombardi. For Faggioli a second seasonal success in the CIVM 2023 where he is chasing the 16th Italian title, captured with his Norma by just 36 cents over Diego Degasperi from Trentino on Osella.

“We had prepared for a different race – said Faggioli – but we were lucky to have the soft Pirellis which were very useful for this new version.” In the positions that count, the exploit of the Roman Marco Jacoangeli (Bmw Z4) was excellent, beating Lucio Peruggini (Ferrari 488) among the GTs, the Ligurian Gianluca Ticci (Fiat Pa1S) among the CN prototypes, Alessandro Tortora from Salerno (Peugeot 9) among the E2s, Francesco Savoia from Fasano (Peugeot 21) and Giovanni Angelini (Mini Cooper) among the TCRs and Racing Starts. The category successes are completed with Giuseppe Loré (group A), Mario Murgia (group N) and Andrea Currenti (twin Assominicar). The day of great sporting interest was penalized by bad weather with the delays bypassed by the effective decisions of the Race Direction. This year too, the event was broadcast live by Acisport on TV and on social media, which reached fans from all over Italy. The 106th edition of the Giovanni Battistelli Memorial, reserved for drivers from the Marche region, went this time to Alessandro Rinolfi from Pesaro, for his continuity of attendance at the event, protagonist among the historic ones with his Mini Cooper.

Overall ranking 32nd Scarfiotti Trophy modern cars: 1st Faggioli (Norma-Zytek) in 1'47”76; 2nd Degasperi (Osella Fa30) 1'48”12; 3rd Di Fulvio (Osella Pa30) 1'49”23; 4th Fazzino (Osella Pa2000 Turbo) 1'49”67; 5th Lombardi (Osella Pa21C Turbo) 1'49”76. Overall ranking 15th Scarfiotti Historical Trophy: 1st Peroni S. (Martini Mk32-Bmw) in 2'01”11; 2nd Massaglia (Osella Pa9/90) 2'08”89; 3rd Peroni G. (Osella Pa8/9) 2'12”75; 4th Gallusi (Porsche 911SC) 2'21”10; 5th Lavieri (Martini Mk32-Bmw) 2'22”43.


Sarnano, conclusa la Sarnano-Sassotetto: Peroni e Faggioli i vincitori che si aggiudicano il Trofeo Scarfiotti.


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