Rome: the “fragile friends” initiative returns to help the homeless.

Collection of blankets, winter clothes and food promoted by taxi drivers of "Tutti Taxi per Amore" with the support of Roma Capitale and 12 Municipi.

Rome: the “Amici Fragili” initiative returns to help the homeless.

The initiative will take place again this year “Fragile Friends”, promoted by the voluntary association of taxi drivers All Taxis for Love with the patronage ofDepartment of Social Policies and Health of Rome CapitalIn partnership with 12 Town Halls.

The initiative includes a collection of blankets, sleeping bags, winter clothes and non-perishable food to donate to organizations that work to support homeless people on the streets.

"A great mobilization – explains the councillor Barbara Funari – which also involves many 'old people's and neighborhood homes' (csaq) and other locations made available, thanks to the work of the Social Affairs Departments of the 12 Town Halls who have joined the initiative and whom I thank. These collective gestures of solidarity, in addition to offering concrete help, they also contribute to raising awareness in the community about the importance of taking care of the most vulnerable people and to promoting a culture of inclusion and shared responsibility.”

“We have decided to promote the initiative 'Fragile Friends' – claims the president of the association All Taxis for Love-OdV Marco Salciccia – as a concrete gesture of solidarity and care towards those living in conditions of extreme vulnerability. In particular, during this period of drop in temperatures, blankets are not only a useful good, but a vital necessity that can make the difference between discomfort and survival. Offering a blanket also means giving warmth, protection and a tangible sign of respect for human dignity.. "

They are 61 collection points throughout the city and, for those who cannot go to the various locations (including shopping centres and taxi cooperatives), there is the possibility that a taxi driver will “All Taxis for Love” can collect donations at home.

Da Tuesday 7th January to Thursday 9th, the collection will be carried out in each centre. Saturday 11st January, at the headquarters of the Department of Social Policies and Health of Rome Capital, will be the collected goods were delivered which will then be brought by taxi drivers “All Taxis for Love” voluntary associations, in the presence of the councilor Barbara Funari.

All locations and times , here.

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