Rome, at the Casa del Cinema the photographic exhibition on the film by Paola Cortellesi “There's Still Tomorrow”

The exhibition "C'è ancora domani, sempre" was inaugurated yesterday, with the shots of Claudio Iannone, focused on the film that addresses gender violence.

Rome, at the Casa del Cinema the photographic exhibition on the film by Paola Cortellesi “C'è Ancora Domani”.

It was inaugurated yesterday at the Casa del Cinema, the photographic exhibition “There's still tomorrow, always”, an exhibition that collects the shots of the photographer Claudio Iannone taken during the filming of “There's still tomorrow”, the film by Paola Cortellesi that addressed incisively and authentically the theme of equality and gender violence.

"Gender violence is an urgent issue. We must guarantee and protect acquired rights but above all defend those denied. Create awareness and participation in the younger generations, educate about emotions. Politics must be united in this. It is the strongest message we can convey to the younger generations", he claims the Councilor for Culture of Rome Capital Massimiliano Smeriglio.

"This exhibition is much more than a simple display. It is a shared cry, an invitation to reflect, through art, on a theme that touches us deeply and that we can no longer ignore: the fight against gender violence and the commitment to a society in which equality is a concrete and shared principle. Only by achieving full gender equality at all levels of society will we truly be able to defeat gender violence.", He comments the leader of the Democratic Party in the Campidoglio, Valeria Baglio.

As part of the month dedicated on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the inauguration of this exhibition, curated by Alessandra Albanesi with the installation by Anita Roscini, is part of the many initiatives organized by Roma Capitale and Fondazione Cinema per Roma to promote awareness and solidarity, thanks to the precious collaboration of Fondazione Una Nessuna Centomila, with the support of Fondo Pegaso, Studio Legale Arianna Moccia and other partners.

The exhibition will be open to visitors until December 1 at the Casa del Cinema, free admission.

Roma, alla Casa del Cinema la mostra fotografica sul film di Paola Cortellesi "C'è Ancora Domani"

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