Rome: DonatoriNati promotes solidarity against gender violence
Blood drive in Piazza del Collegio Romano with symbolic performance of the SuperEroiAcrobatici to raise awareness on violence and solidarity for women.
Rome: DonatoriNati promotes solidarity against gender violence.
Women for Women: On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women DonatoriNati has organized an extraordinary blood drive as part of the project “From shed blood to donated blood”.
Yesterday morning in Piazza del Collegio Romano a Red Cross bloodmobile with specialized medical personnel on board welcomed the volunteers who donated blood.
The initiative will be supported by the presence of Paola Saluzzi, Valentina Bisti, Claudia Conte and the intervention of the volunteers of the SEA Association – SuperEroiAcrobatici, which gave rise to a spectacular descent from the roof of the Trevi Police Station. Dressed in black, with red shoes and scarves, to send a strong and visible message against all forms of gender violence.
"Red is the color of passion, of life and, unfortunately, also of the blood shed by too many women victims of violence. As Acrobatic Superheroes, we want to use our voice and our actions to say stop to violence against women. This descent is our cry of hope and our commitment: we will not stand by and watch, but we will continue to fight for a future free from all violence.” He declares Anna Marras, President of SuperEroiAcrobatici.
“The key word is: “network”, that is, networking on the territory and reporting to the police any type of violence received. With these initiatives, DonatoriNati intends to raise awareness not only about blood donation, which represents a gesture of deep solidarity, but also to prevent tragedies from occurring. Solidarity and helping others help develop antibodies against violence: by adopting the language of generosity, a lot can be done. No one should feel excluded, it is a challenge we are all called to face. " - he claims Claudio Saltari National President of DonatoriNati.
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