Rome: ASPI and Traffic Police together with the Giro d'Italia for the thirteenth edition of the "Heroes of Safety"

At the start of the Alpago stage, five ASPI operators and three police officers were rewarded

Rome: ASPI and Traffic Police together with the Giro d'Italia for the thirteenth edition of the "Heroes of Safety".

Rome, last appointment in Alpago for the thirteenth edition of "Gli Eroi della Sicurezza", an initiative born from the collaboration between the State Police and Autostrade per l'Italia, to enhance the work of the agents and motorway workers who every day monitor the traffic on the high-flow arteries along the country.

Before the start that saw the cyclists cross the Dolomites, the agents Mirko Chiucchiolo, Filippo Dalla Marta and Italo Perini were awarded for having managed the traffic operations on the A23 Udine Tarvisio, while a car was driving the wrong way. A another recognition was then assigned to the operators of the Udine section of Autostrade per l'Italia Paolo Buttolo, Alessandro Della Mea, Daniele Della Mea, Manuel Moro and Andrea Willempart, for having supported the recovery operations after the landslide that affected the A23 Udine Tarvisio on Easter Monday.

During the various stages of the Giro, the sports awards stage hosted eleven traffic police operators, with whom ASPI works in close collaboration on a daily basis to guarantee the safety of users traveling on the motorways. At the same time, the Traffic Police awarded recognition along the stages from the South to the North of Italy to eleven operators of the Autostrade per l'Italia Group who have demonstrated strong dedication to their work, putting skills and commitment at the service of users that go well beyond their daily duties.


The stories

On the afternoon of April 12, the radio room of the Traffic Police Operations Centre received several reports regarding a car driving the wrong way on the southbound carriageway of the A23 Udine Tarvisio, towards the Austrian border.

As soon as it was alerted, the road patrol, composed of the Assistant Chief Coordinator Filippo Della Marta and the Agent Mirko Chiucchiolo, managed to intercept the car; while Deputy Superintendent Italo Perini coordinated the operational maneuver to slow down traffic, to ensure the safety of vehicles coming in the correct direction. Inside the Tarvisio tunnel the operators finally managed to block the vehicle against traffic and lead it safely outside the tunnel.

On the morning of April 1st, the Carnia-Pontebba section on the A23 Udine-Tarvisio was affected by a landslide event - generated on the side of a mountain outside the motorway jurisdiction - following heavy rains. The Management of the Udine Section of Aspi, since the first hours of the emergency, put together in record time a task force of 6 teams also composed of workers specialized in high-altitude interventions, and ten operational vehicles, in addition to a helicopter for the movement of rocky materials.

The first to intervene on the site of the landslide were the operators of the Udine business Alessandro Della Mea, Daniele Della Mea, Andrea Willempart, Manuel Moro and Paolo Buttolo, who worked to restore the roadway affected by the landslide, thus allowing the gradual reopening to traffic quickly and safely.

Roma: ASPI e Polizia Stradale insieme al Giro d'Italia per la tredicesima edizione degli "Eroi della Sicurezza"


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