Rieti, Leonessa says enough to violence against women

On November 26, a concert was held by the State Police Fanfare against violence against women.

Rieti, Leonessa says enough to violence against women.

On the evening of Saturday 26 November 2022, in Leonessa, a concert by the State Police Fanfare was held at the Church of San Giuseppe, organized as part of the event to combat gender violence promoted by the cultural association "La Fenice ” of Leonessa (RI) and the local municipality, entitled: “Leonessa says enough to violence against women”.

During the highly anticipated performance of the State Police Fanfare which was attended by enthusiastic spectators who packed the beautiful Church of San Giuseppe, outside, a representative of the Rieti Police Headquarters, in a special stand installed for the occasion, met the citizens by listening to their reports and distributing copies of the brochure "This is not love", specifically created for the permanent awareness campaign of the State Police against gender violence.

As part of the event, among other events, the seminar entitled: was also held in the morning of the same day:
"Violence against women. How to recognize it, how to combat it", which was attended by specialized personnel from the Minors Office of the Anti-Crime Police Division of the Rieti Police Headquarters to illustrate the tools made available by the State Police to combat the hateful phenomenon of violence against women.

Rieti, Leonessa dice basta alla violenza sulle donne

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