Notte Bianca del Lettore 2024 in Varese: A cultural journey in homage to Marco Polo.

Cultural events, readings and workshops dedicated to Marco Polo at the Civic Library of Varese.

Notte Bianca del Lettore 2024 in Varese: A cultural journey in homage to Marco Polo.

 Saturday 6th July, get back to Varese la second edition of White Night of the Reader.

In the rooms of Varese Civic Library, in park of the Estensi Gardens, In spaces of the Museum and park of Villa Mirabello workshops, readings, talks, moments of encounter between literature and music, role-playing games and observations of the sky are on the calendar. About fifteen events that start from books and reading, and which all have in common the desire to pay homage, through contaminations with different forms of expression, to the incredible adventures of Marco Polo in the East, to the themes of journey e of exploration.

From morning to late night, authors and artists will therefore alternate to give life to events that celebrate the great explorer, in the year of seven hundredth anniversary of his death.

All events are free entry.

"This year's edition of the Reader's White Night is dedicated to Marco Polo, on the occasion of the seven hundredth anniversary of his death" - explains the Councilor for Culture Enzo Laforgia - "The famous Venetian merchant and traveler will guide us throughout the day and into the night, through stories, sensory experiences, visits to exhibitions, workshops and much more, thanks to the collaboration of the many local entities, partners of this initiative. A range of proposals evoked or suggested by the pages of Il Milione, which have opened the doors of fantasy and imagination to countless generations for almost a millennium. The Notte Bianca del Lettore promoted by our Civic Library has the ambition of wanting to show the infinite roads and unpredictable paths that unfold starting from reading a book."

The event is part of the project the readers, the ambassadors of reading, an initiative of the Civic Library of Varese with the aim of proposing activities aimed at bringing new audiences closer to books and reading. The project is made possible thanks to the contribution of Cariplo Foundation and envisages various actions throughout 2024, through the involvement of various local entities.

The complete program is on the Library website: all events have free admission, for some reservations are required. All information on


From time to 10 22 in goes up to the ground floor of Civic library will be on display ancient volumes and texts usually not very visible to the public and focused on the themes of travel and exploration. Among the volumes on display, some from the 800th century with detailed illustrations, works from the XNUMXs and other precious books.

There are several events dedicated to children and teenagers. “A story to play” proposes a journey told with a session with the narrative role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons, Edited by L'Aquilone Social cooperative.

The activities will be in the civic library: from hours to 16.00 17.00 the role-playing game is dedicated to girls and boys To 11 14 years, while from hours To 18.00 19.00 for the boys come on 15 to 20 years.

The event will also be held in the Civic Library “Journey into the imagination”, a laboratory to discover The million through picture postcards, with Carmen Bucca, teacher and lover of art and books.

For the kids come on To 4 9 years the laboratory is from To 10.00 11.00, while for children come on To 10 15 years appointment from 11.30 at 12.30.

Dedicato come on to the children 7 to 11 years old it is then the event a Villa Mirabello “Sustainable travel diary”, a laboratory based on creating a travel diary with recycled paperIn partnership with the Sinòpia Association.

It's still, “Manga Traits” are the Manga drawing workshops discovering the basics and techniques of Japanese comics, with the illustrator Crystal Okami, which on the occasion of the reader's White Night he will use the manga technique to create an interpretation of the character of Marco Polo: the workshops will be held in the Library from To 16.00 17.30 and by 18.00 at 19.30.

Then there are the appointments dedicated to exploration and journeys through literature, theatre, contaminations with music, flavors and observations of the sky.

Under the hornbeam, in the center of the Giardini Estensi park, there will therefore be the tea tastings from the East: appointment with “Tea, a sensorial journey”, from To 11.30 12.30 and by To 18.00 19.00 with tastings organized by Tea in Italy.

Lo space of the tensile structure hosts the event “Words and rhythms”, a journey where the literature meets rap: the rapper Carlo Corallo and the author Giordano Tedoldi they share the stage to discuss the theme of Marco Polo's journey. Two different but complementary artistic perspectives to narrate a love story born during a journey.

The coffee shop At Cedar 18.30 home the literary aperitif “Sips of history”. The writer and teacher Eufemia Griffo leads to a fascinating exploration of his book “From afar, Venice. The travels of Marco Polo”.

In the Civic Library at 20.00 then there will be the event “Seven journeys with Marco Polo", with the writer Luca Novelli, Author of the book “Marco Polo and the incredible Million”.

From To 21.30 22.30 in tensile structure the appointment is with “The story of the wonders of the world: the travels of Marco Polo told by a woman of the Middle Ages”. In fact, the show tells the adventures of Marco Polo from one perspective new and engaging perspective, with the narrating voice of Marina De Juli which tells the daily life of a woman in 1300s Venice where crusaders and merchants from India and Persia landed, with the pier crowded with traffickers, weavers, glassmakers, sailors, thieves, prostitutes, musicians and jesters.

The park in front of Villa Mirabello, from 23.00pm to midnight, hosts the event “Orienting with the stars”. During this special evening, the naked eye observations of constellations, accompanied by researchers from Schiaparelli Astronomical Society.

All 23.30 finally the appointment is at the space of tensile structure with “The ways of the journey”, talk on the themes of travel and the stories of Marco Polo, exploring meeting points between the art of narrating travels and the storytelling of a rapper, with Lanz Khan and Claver Gold. The journalist moderates Adelia Brigo.

Throughout the reader's White Night, the Villa Mirabello Museum where the exhibition is taking place “Encounters from distant worlds”, the exhibition dedicated to the exploration trips of the Castiglioni brothers, it will be open from 10.00 to 22.00.

The complete program is available on

Notte Bianca del Lettore 2024 a Varese: Un viaggio culturale in omaggio a Marco Polo.

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