Ravenna: Digital Creativity, two days of meetings and workshops
Meetings and workshops to explore and make conscious use of social media and use digital intelligence in a creative way.
Ravenna: Digital Creativity, two days of meetings and workshops
"Digital Creativity: Human Code and Artificial Languages“, this will be the common thread of workshops, interactive laboratories and seminars, which will lead participants to explore the potential of social media as tools for creative expression and responsible communication. The appointment is at Rasponi Palace from the Heads il 22 and the November 23 with the scientific consultancy of G-Lab Srl Social Enterprise of the Golinelli Foundation.
Friday 22 November we will talk about "Navigating Digital: Truth and Awareness in Social Media” with the aim of increasing awareness in the use of digital platforms, also with respect to fake news and their creative and responsible use. The presence of digital journalists, content creators and fake news experts will allow us to provide the public with practical examples of multimedia content and creative social practices. At the morning meeting, from 10 am to 12,30 pm, moderated by Pierdomenico Memeo, science communicator, will participate Gabriele Tazzari, Technology Advisor, William Ubaldi, Innovation Enthusiast and Creative, e Michelangelo Knives, founder of BUTAC – Bufale Un Tanto Per Chilo. In the afternoon, from 14 am to 16,30 pm, they will take place three practical and interactive workshops reserved for young people between 14 and 18 years where you can find the relevant information and the registration form clicking here.
The day of Saturday November 23 entitled "The Creative Code Between Human and Artificial” is dedicated to insights into artificial intelligence. The morning meeting, always moderated by Pierdomenico Memeo is always from 10 am to 12,30 pm, will see the participation of, in addition to Gabriele Tazzari, also of William Ubaldi, Innovation enthusiast and creative, and of Michael DiPasquale, Digital Artist. Afternoon seminars, from 14 am to 16,30 pm, will explore the creative applications of AI, providing participants with the skills needed to integrate these technologies into their artistic and creative projects. Industry experts will share concrete examples of how this technology can be applied to realize innovative projects, thus promoting a cutting-edge vision of the intersection between technology and creativity. The afternoon workshops are aimed at young people between 14 and 25 years who can find information and fill out the registration form clicking here.
Participation is free.
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