
Ravenna, at Palazzo Rasponi dalle Teste opens “Stylnovo” by Casalinerio and the exhibition on the Ghigi-Pagnani Collection

Friday 6 December simultaneous opening of the exhibitions "Stylnovo" and "1955-1965 Views from the Ghigi Pagnani Collection", with free admission until 26 January 2025.

Ravenna, at Palazzo Rasponi dalle Teste opens “Stylnovo” by Casalinerio and the exhibition on the Ghigi-Pagnani Collection.

Simultaneously with the inauguration of the exhibition “1955-1965 Views from the Ghigi Pagnani Collection”, Friday 6 December, at 18 pm, is scheduled in the same spaces of Palazzo Rasponi dalle Teste, the opening of the exhibition “Stylnovo” by the artist Casalinerio. “Stylnovo” is a project that reveals a progressive path with works, objects, drawings and paintings, identified in the most disparate moments in time, united like tiles in the single image of a vast story that can be recomposed infinitely.

Casalinerio (registered as Nerio Casali), an artist born in Cesena but adopted by Ravenna, attended the Academy of Fine Arts: first in the city of Ravenna and then in Rome.

The artistic Rome of the early 1980s was vibrant and the very young Nerio lived experiences of great cultural vivacity. During his studies he met Mario Schifano and the partnership became a collaboration, so much so that Casali became his studio assistant for a long time between the 1980s and 1990s. Innovative artists such as Cy Twombly, Alighiero Boetti, Gino de Dominicis passed through the studio on Via delle Mantellate; gallery owners such as Emilio Mazzoli; art critics such as Achille Bonito Oliva. An extraordinary period of experience and training that the artist would later expand with a long period of work and life in Spain.

Among the exhibitions of Casalinerio we remember only a few: “Roman Painters” in 1989 at the Italian Cultural Institute in Prague; “Biennale d'Arte” in Rome in 1990; “Under 35” at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome in 1992; “Anarchico Cosmico” in 1998 at the Centro de Arte UNICEF in Seville and “Nessun Consòlo” in 2002 in Faenza in the “Circolo degli Artisti”.

The Ravenna exhibition also features an unexpected participation, that is, the presence in the room of works by Lecran Tsourc, an artist of Turkish origin who has shared a decades-long collaborative activity with Nerio Casali, which began during his youthful attendance at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. Profoundly different techniques and inspirations for the two artists who however meet in the unitary vision underlying the “Stylnovo” project.

The “Stylnovo” exhibition will remain open to visitors until Sunday 26 January 2025 and is promoted by the Municipality.

Visiting hours: 15:19 p.m. to 10:12.30 p.m. on weekdays; 15:19 a.m. to 25:1 p.m. and XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Closed on Mondays, December XNUMXth and January XNUMXst. Admission to the exhibition is free.

For info: IAT Ravenna. 0544.35404

Ravenna, a Palazzo Rasponi dalle Teste apre "Stylnovo" di Casalinerio e la mostra sulla Collezione Ghigi-Pagnani

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