Ravenna. European May: all the events scheduled in Ravenna and other municipalities of the province.

Every year in May the month of Europe is celebrated and in particular the date of 9 May symbolizes its birth and is therefore called Europe Day.

Ravenna. European May: all the events scheduled in Ravenna and other municipalities of the province.

Every year in May we celebrate the month of Europe and in particular the date of May 9 symbolizes its birth and for this reason it is called Europe Day.

The date in fact marks the anniversary of the historic "declaration" of 1950, in which the then French Foreign Minister, Robert Schuman, presented the proposal to create an organized Europe, essential to the maintenance of peaceful relations between the States that composed it. The proposal is considered the birth certificate of what is now the European Union.

European May in Ravenna and surroundings is an information, discussion and meeting program for citizens interested in understanding European history and current affairs promoted by the Europe Direct Romagna Center, the program demonstrates the involvement and coordination between many public and private entities in Romagna around European issues.

During the month yes there will be theater shows, exhibitions, moments of in-depth study, but also of aggregation and celebration, ranging from proposals for the little ones to technical conferences. There will be particular attention to the issue of climate change and the European elections on 8 and 9 June.

Furthermore, the PodDARE and Radio Social Coast platforms will offer two podcast sections dedicated to the European vote and European values.

During the month of May, the central via Zirardini will become an information project on the European elections: “IGet informed, reflect, express yourself and #use your vote".

First appointment at the theatre, Friday 3 May at 21pm at the Teatro Rasi, with the show “Europe does not fall from the sky. Sentimental chronicle of a dream, an idea, a project”. Created and directed by Alessandro Argnani, text by Laura Orlandini, with Camilla Berardi and Massimo Giordani, curated by Ravenna Teatro. The show will be back on stage on Friday 10 May at 21 pm, at the Teatro Baccarini in Faenza.

In collaboration with Polis Teatro festival 2024 is scheduled for Wednesday 8 May at 20pm, at the Teatro Rasi, the theatrical show “On the difficulties of telling the truth”, by ErosAntEros, based on the work by Brecht and then, again at the Teatro Rasi, the dialogue “Disinformation and democratic risk one month before the European vote”, between A. Pagani and M. Marchi (UniBo), D. Sacco and A. Tomšič (ErosAntEros), M. Lapini (photographer), conducted and moderated by S. De Ponte (Uni GE), curated by UniBo DBC and Centro Europe Direct della Romagna. Within Polis teatro festival 2024.

Friday May 17th, as part of the Festival delle culture 2024 and the Ravenna welcomes talents project at 21 pm, again at the Teatro Rasi, the theatrical show “Altro Mondo – Piccole Storie di Cambiamento. Il pubblico scrive, sogna, condividere”, curated by Mulino ad Arte, will be staged, which addresses the issue of migration and climate change.

Climate change, one year after the flood in Romagna, is at the centre of various initiatives:

Tuesday 7 May, at 15pm, in the hall of the Rocca Estense, in Lugo, the conference “Bassa Romagna calls Europe. The role of the European Union in coordinating the response to the climate crisis”, organized by the Europe and strategic planning service of the Union of Municipalities of Bassa Romagna. Thursday 9 May at 11pm, in Piazza San Francesco in Ravenna, the thanksgiving ceremony “European solidarity during the flood in Romagna”, towards the countries that provided assistance, organized by the Province of Ravenna. On the same day, at 17.30pm, the photographic exhibition “CLIMA, local climate change”, by F. De Marco and G. Cerè, curated by the Fotoart association, la Lumaca and Ceas Ravenna, Municipality of Ravenna, will be inaugurated at the Ravenna Municipality headquarters in viale Berlinguer 30. It can be visited until June 1st.

Moments of aggregation and involvement for young people and adults are planned throughout the month.

Saturday 4 May at 15pm, in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II in Cotignola, the XVII Grand Prix “Cotignola Europa” of Pedal Powered Vehicles (VAP) will take place. The most fun, creative, ecological and European VAP race in Romagna, organized by the Municipality of Cotignola with the Cotignolese cycling club, Acropolis, Podisti Cotignola, IC Don Stefano Casadio.

Wednesday 8 May at 17 pm at the Municipal Library of Russi with "Small Citizens of Europe", presentation of the results of the project, organized by the Municipality of Russi.

Thursday 9 May starting from 8.30am and ending at 17pm, at Palazzo Rasponi dalle Teste di Ravenna, “Europa role play” will take place, the simulation of the European Parliament with the higher institutes of Ravenna, organised by the Municipality of Ravenna, Informagiovani and the Europe Direct Centre of Romagna, while at 18.30pm, in Piazza della Libertà in Bagnacavallo, the "Europe Day" will be celebrated, with school children and all citizens, organized by the Municipality of Bagnacavallo and the Friends of Neresheim association.

Friday 10th in the hall of Palazzo Vecchio in Bagnacavallo, at 21pm, the film A new world by A. Negrin (2014), curated by the Municipality of Bagnacavallo and Filmeeting APS in the European visions cycle, will be screened.

Saturday 11 May, at 10am, on the staircase of the Town Hall of Bagnacavallo, appointment with "European Readings", readings in language for the little ones, organized by the Municipality of Bagnacavallo, Comunicando APS and with the Taroni Municipal Library.

"In-Contemporanea – History is made in the library – Europe and its surroundings: history of the present time” is a series of in-depth studies curated by the Oriani Foundation, UniBo DBC, You&Me project modules J. Monnet which will take place every Friday at the Oriani Contemporary History Library in Ravenna.

Friday 10 May at 17pm, “History of Italy in the European integration process”, L. Ranieri (Uni Siena), S. Rogari (Uni Firenze) will discuss the volume by A. Varsori, Il Mulino, 2023. The author will be present. Friday 17 at 17, “Welcoming, integrating, rejecting. Italy and the European Union facing the migratory phenomenon”, D. Pasquinucci (Uni Siena) and S. Paoli (Uni Pisa) will discuss the volume by V. Minucci, with the author present; Friday 24 at 17 the volume “La Comunità atlantica” by A. Bitumi will be discussed, with M. Marchi (Uni Bo) and R. Ventresca (Uni Bo) and also in this case the author will be present.

The twinning associations of Ravenna propose, Thursday 9 May at 17.30pm, in the Buzzi room, on Viale Berlinguer, the conference “Ravenna in the age of the Brass” organised by the Circolo Amici di Speyer and Friday 17 May, at 16pm, in the small room in Vicolo degli Ariani, the inauguration of the exhibition “The memory of a friendship”, by P. Strada and curated by the Amici di Chartres association.

From the 17 19 May, in the Forlì campus of the University of Bologna, the event “European youth event 2024” will take place with thousands of young people from all over Europe for over 200 workshops, laboratories, artistic activities, debates, meetings and sports tournaments proposed by 150 youth organizations, the University of Bologna and the European institutions. Organized by the Punto Europa of Forlì, with the support of the European Parliament

From the 23 24 May, in the Cavalcoli room of the Chamber of Commerce of Ferrara and Ravenna and at the port of Ravenna, the “Adria shipping summit”, the general states of the port and logistics of the north-east, will take place. Event to discover the project “Ravenna Port Hub: Infrastructural works” supported by the European Union, organized by the Port System Authority of the Central Northern Adriatic Sea with ClickUtilityTeam

For updates and further information, you can consult the page of the Romagna Europe Direct Centre

Ravenna. Maggio europeo: tutti gli appuntamenti in programma a Ravenna e in altri comuni della provincia.

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