Pescara: Presents awards to State Police personnel
Pescara: Presents awards to State Police personnel.
On the morning of Saturday 15 April, in Conference Room of the “Fanti” Multipurpose Center, headquarters of the Police Headquarters and other branches of the State Police, the ceremony was held for the delivery of the awards of honors and two commendations, not delivered during the celebratory ceremony of the 171st anniversary of the Foundation of the State Police, in which the members of the National Association of State Police (ANPS) of the Pescara Section took part.
The commissioner Luigi Liguori who organized and attended today's ceremony, wanted to personally deliver the certificates, supported by the managers of the offices where the awarded staff works. During the ceremony, certificates of long membership and recognition for the activity carried out in favor of the ANPS were also awarded.
1st CALL
All 'Inspector of the State Police Claudio DE DONATIS (Railway Police) With the following motivation:
“Highlighting strong professional qualities and investigative intuition, he carried out judicial police activity, which ended with the arrest of a Romanian citizen, responsible for having sexually abused a woman in conditions of
physical and psychological inferiority.”
Event occurred in Pescara on 30 August 2017.
2st CALL
Al Replacement Commissioner (deceased) of the P. of S. Angelo MASTRONARDI (Postal Police) – his wife Erminia collected the certificates. (COMMENDATION) With the following motivation:
“Highlighting professional skills, he coordinated a judicial police activity which ended with the arrest of a man for crimes related to child pornography”.
Event occurred in Bari on 14 November 2018.
(PRAISE) With the following motivation: "Highlighting professional skills, he coordinated a judicial police activity which ended with the arrest of a man responsible for possession of a large quantity of child pornography material."
Event occurred in Pescara on 28 June 2018.
3st CALL
Al First Director (retired) of the State Police Dr. Luciana COLOPI RIPALTA (PAS = Administrative and Social Division)
Al Chief Commissioner of the P. di S. (retired) Dr. Luciano PACINELLI (PAS)
All 'Inspector of the P. of S. Alessio CECAMORE (PAS)
Al Deputy Superintendent of the P. of S. Marcello CUCCO (PAS)
Al Deputy Inspector (retired) of the P. of S. Giancarlo ANTONELLI (PAS) With the following motivation:
“Highlighting professional skills, he directed/coordinated/carried out a judicial police activity which ended with the reporting of individuals, intent on working in a factory with a suspended license, seizing a large quantity of gunpowder”.
Event occurred in Pescara on 19 December 2018.
4st CALL
Al Deputy Commissioner of the State Police Dr. Gianluca DE DONATO (Postal) with the following motivation:
“Highlighting professional skills, he directed a judicial police activity which ended with the issuing of eight precautionary measures under house arrest and three measures of the obligation to stay for fraud, improper use of credit cards and more. ”.
Event occurred in Pescara on 31 May 2018.
With the following motivation:
“Highlighting professional skills, he directed a judicial police activity which ended with the arrest of a man for crimes related to child pornography”.
Event occurred in Bari on 14 November 2018.
5st CALL
Al Chief Superintendent of the P. di S. (retired) Carmine RENZETTI (Flying Squad) with the following motivation:
“Highlighting professional skills, they carried out a judicial police operation which ended with the arrest of four individuals responsible for the crimes of possession and transfer of narcotic substances”.
Event occurred in Pescara on 05 January 2018.
6st CALL
All ' Chief Inspector of the P. of S. Letizia PETRUCCI (PG Section c/o Public Prosecutor's Office of Pescara) with the following motivation:
“Highlighting professional qualities, he coordinated an intervention to control the territory which ended with the arrest of a woman responsible for illegal possession and carrying of a common firearm”.
Event occurred in Rimini on 8 August 2018.
7st CALL
All ' Inspector of the P. of S. Dino CERONI (Anti-Crime Police Division) with the following motivation:
“Highlighting professional skills, he carried out judicial police activity which ended with the identification and arrest of four individuals responsible for a violent attack for the purpose of robbery against two minors”.
Event occurred in Pescara on 15 November 2018.
8st CALL
All ' Inspector of the P. of S. Bruno CARUGNO (Control School of Territory) cwith the following motivation:
“Highlighting professional skills, he carried out a public rescue operation, carrying out some cardiovascular resuscitation maneuvers, in favor of a skier who had fallen disastrously into a valley”.
Event occurred in Monte Pratello-Rivisondoli (AQ) on 6 February 2018.
9st CALL
Al Deputy Inspector of the P. of S. Massimo LALLI (Flying Squad)
All ' Assistant to the Father of S. Davide TRAVAGLINI (Flying Squad)
All ' Selected Agent of the P. of S. Alessio GALLUCCI (Flying Squad) cwith the following motivation:
“Highlighting professional qualities, they carried out a judicial police intervention which ended with the arrest of a person responsible for threats and injuries to a public official”.
Event occurred in Pescara on 15 July 2018.
10st CALL
To the Deputy Inspector of the P. di S. (retired) Giancarlo ANTONELLI (Pas) with the following motivation:
“Highlighting professional skills, he carried out judicial police activity which ended with the arrest of an individual responsible for the crime of illegal possession of weapons and ammunition”.
Event occurred in Pianella (PE) on 10 January 2018.
12st CALL
Al V. Superintendent of the P. of S. Roberto CINI (Flying Squad) cwith the following motivation:
“Highlighting professional skills, he carried out judicial police activity which ended with the identification and reporting of the eight perpetrators of a violent brawl with injuries”.
Event occurred in Pescara on 1 December 2018.
13st CALL
All 'Assistant Chief of the P. of S. Roberto MAIORI CARATELLA (Traffic Police Subsection) with the following motivation:
“Highlighting professional qualities, he carried out a public rescue activity in favor of a woman, who had expressed suicidal intent by walking on the tracks of a railway line”.
Event occurred in Bologna on 10 August 2018.
14st CALL
1 toInspector of the P. of S. Boris DI FEDERICO (ROAD)
Al 2 Deputy Inspector of the P. of S. Alessandro FRATELLI (XI Flight Department)
Al 3 Deputy Inspector of the P. of S. Massimo LALLI (Flying Squad)
Al 4 Deputy Inspector of the P. di S. Francesco MOTTA (XI Flight Department)
5 toTechnical Inspector of the P. di S. David BELGIORNO (TLC area)
6 To the Chief Superintendent C. of the P. of S. Gianfranco CRISANTE (Railway Police)
Al 7 Chief Technical Superintendent of the P. di S. Gianni DI RUSSO (TLC area)
Al 8 Superintendent of the P. of S. Pierluigi MELITO (Street)
Al 9 Deputy Superintendent of the P. of S. Zelindo ANTONACCI (Abruzzo Crime Prevention Department)
Al 10 Deputy Superintendent of the P. di S. Marco SAMPERI (XI Flight Department)
Al 11 Deputy Superintendent of the P. of S. Sabrina COSTANTINI (XI Flight Department)
12 To the Deputy Superintendent of the P. of S. Marcello D'ADDARIO (Abruzzo Crime Prevention Department)
13 to Assistant Chief C. of the P. of S. Leo CARLETTI (PAS)
14 to Assistant Chief C. of the P. of S. Cinzia RABOTTINI (Abruzzo Crime Prevention Department)
15 toAss. CC of the P. of S. Remo DI NICOLANTONIO (XI Flight Department)
16 to Assistant Chief C. of the P. of S. Benedetto LEO (School for Territory Control)
Al 17 Chief Superintendent of the P. of S. Michele MISERI (IN RETIRING)
With the following motivation: “By highlighting professional skills and commitment, he did his utmost in an activity of
public assistance following a disastrous event caused by an avalanche".
Event occurred in Farindola (PE) on 22 January 2017.
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