Palermo: at the Grandparents' Day there are the Carabinieri with a stand for information activities against scams on the elderly and pediatric first aid
Yesterday morning, in the eighteenth-century gardens of Villa Giulia, the Grandparents' Festival took place, a special event that every year celebrates all grandmothers and grandfathers, as fundamental figures in our lives and in society.
Palermo: at the Festa dei Nonni there are the Carabinieri with a stand for information activities against scams on the elderly and pediatric first aid.
Yesterday morning, in the eighteenth-century gardens of Villa Giulia, the Grandparents' Day, special event that every year celebrates all grandmothers and grandfathers, as fundamental figures in our lives and in society.
A day that represents an opportunity for intergenerational meeting and dialogue to recognize and appreciate the love, wisdom and support that grandparents offer to families, as custodians not only of family memory but also and above all as sources of precious teaching for the younger ones.
On this occasion the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Palermo they have arranged, together with the volunteers of the local National Carabinieri Association, a stand exhibition with information activities on the prevention of scams against the elderly.
Many have participated and listened with interest to the advice of the military personnel who distributed paper information material to participants to take home, to help those interested always have useful advice 'at hand' on how to prevent crimes of which they may be victims.
In particular the scams, to the detriment of people who are no longer young or alone, constitute a particularly worrying phenomenon as it generates, in the victims, effects such as frustration and disorientation, as well as insecurity in continuing to face daily life.
The Carabinieri, always attentive to the crime fighting common that threatens the weakest groups, has as its objective the prevention of crimes also through the sensitization and information of citizens, ensured through conferences aimed at older people.
In addition, some events took place in the stand set up by the Carabinieri demonstrations provided by specialized personnel and relating to the pediatric first aid maneuvers.
Also in the morning, the Fanfare of the 12th Carabinieri Regiment 'Sicilia' entertained and excited those present with its notes, not only in the gardens of Villa Giulia, but with a subsequent exhibition at the obstacle course “Favorita”, on the occasion of the 39th Edition of the Equestrian Aces Cup, during which they performed some patriotic songs, concluding with the National Anthem.
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