Padua. Anime Verdi 2024, the seventh edition of the open gardens festival presented.

On 4 and 5 May 2024, "Anime Verdi", the Padua Open Gardens Festival is preparing to celebrate its seventh edition, confirming itself as an essential event in the cultural agenda of the city of Padua.

Padua. Anime Verdi 2024, the seventh edition of the open gardens festival presented.

On 4 and 5 May 2024, "Anime Verdi", the Padua Open Gardens Festival is preparing to celebrate its seventh edition, confirming itself as an essential event in the cultural agenda of the city of Padua.
The Festival program was presented on Tuesday 23 April at Palazzo Moroni, in the presence of the Councilor for Green Space, Parks and Agriculture of the Municipality of Padua, of the Councilor delegated for Youth Policies of the Municipality of Padua, of Fiorita Luciano, Head of the Mayor's Cabinet and Cassandra Baldini, coordinator of Anime Verdi.

During the morning, which also saw the intervention of Stefano De Stefani, curator of the festival and president of Il Raggio Verde, followed by the artistic performance of the storyteller Silvia Gualtieri, The Infopoint in Piazza delle Erbe 52 was inaugurated, set up for the occasion by the “Francesco D'Assisi” Professional Training School.

The 2024 edition
In the first weekend of May, Anime Verdi returns to open the doors of the city gardens. There are 47 this year - with 6 new and 4 welcome returns - the gardens that will give Paduans and tourists, large and small, the opportunity to explore new itineraries through the streets of the centre. The Festival, which last spring involved 4.000 visitors, will once again this year allow lovers of greenery and landscapes to venture into the gardens, discovering the tastes and care of each owner, admiring the beauty of ultra-centenarian trees and rare variety of plants, and immerse yourself in the centuries and styles of the different green corners of Padua.
On the two days, the gardens will be open from 9am to 30pm and from 13pm to 00pm, even in case of bad weather. To access it, as always, it will be necessary to have the bracelet which can be purchased at the InfoPoint in Piazza delle Erbe 14, or online at with a small commission cost. The InfoPoint will be open from 23 April to 2 May from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 17:00 to 19:00 (including holidays), Friday 3 and Saturday 4 May from 8:30 to 19:00 and Sunday 5 May from 8am to 30pm.

Special appointments

During the Festival, visitors will have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of side events, which will further enrich the experience of visiting the gardens: guided tours, artistic workshops, musical performances and interactive activities. Between these: guided tours of Treves Park will be accompanied by botanical watercolor workshops, while the Department of Historical, Geographical and Antiquity Sciences will host readings and musical performances. In the Santa Giustina Rose Garden you will discover the most significant varieties and the history of the rose and paper printing and collage workshops will be held at the Padua University Centre.
Furthermore, there are foreseen writing and poetry workshops for children spread among the gardens, fitness in the greenery in the Alicorno garden and musical performances at the Tito Livio High School. Finally, like every year, navigation activity on the Piovego is planned. The Festival will close on Sunday 5 May at 19pm in Piazza delle Erbe with the instrumental ensemble “La Création du Monde” of the Nova Symphonia Patavina Orchestra.
The detailed program of the event and how to register for the workshops are available on the Festival website and inside the map that will be given to each participant. The agreements include reduced-cost admissions for members of the Alumni Association of the University of Padua and for visitors to the “Monet” exhibition. Masterpieces from the Musée Marmottan Monet in Paris” upon presentation of the entrance ticket with a date starting from May 1st.

The project

"Strongly desired by the Administration, Anime Verdi is a project to enhance and rediscover the community and not only environmental and cultural vocation of our city. I am also particularly happy that among the green spaces of this new edition there are the Giardini della Rotonda, one of the most evocative places in Padua, recently returned to the citizens after an important redevelopment work" declares the Green councilor.

The Councilor delegated for Youth Policies underlines and thanks the young volunteers for their commitment and massive participation: "Anime Verdi is confirmed every year as a moment of great youth participation, thanks to the commitment of over one hundred volunteers who for two days become the custodians of the most beautiful gardens in the historic centre. The enthusiastic response of young people and their willingness to dedicate time and energy to the city contributes significantly to the success of the Festival. I thank each and every one of them for this beautiful sign of active citizenship, which reminds us once again how much the new generations are a resource for our community".

"At the base of the Festival – continues the curator De Stefani – in fact there is the essential generosity of the owners of the gardens and the tireless work of over 100 young volunteers, the true beating heart of the event together with the students of the local schools, custodians of their respective gardens. This precious intergenerational exchange between owners, visitors and young people is the added value of a Festival that makes participation the lens through which to re-discover the city and re-recognize it in the new social and cultural networks that can be generated here".

Anime Verdi is an initiative of the Youth Project Office – Cabinet of the Mayor of the Municipality of Padua, Il Raggio Verde and , Historical Garden Group University of Padua, Society of Friends of Gardening Padua, Department of General Psychology University of Padua, Department of Historical, Geographical and Antiquity Sciences University of Padua, School of Higher Education “Francesco d'Assisi”, Walls of Padua Committee , Nova Symphonia Patavina, COSE IN COMUNA, Artemartours, Bettin Pianoforti, Arthemisia and in media partnership with Il Mattino di Padova and Veneto Segreto.

Padova. Anime Verdi 2024, presentata la settima edizione del festival dei giardini aperti.

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