
Oristano against stray animals: a day dedicated to dogs to promote adoption and faithful relationships between puppies and humans

The Department of the Environment of the Municipality of Oristano and the ASL are organizing an event on Saturday 26 October from 9 to 13 in Piazza Eleonora, involving organizations, institutions and volunteers to promote adoption and the relationship with animals.

Oristano against stray animals: a day dedicated to dogs to promote adoption and faithful relationships between puppies and humans.

It is organized by the Department of the Environment of the Municipality of Oristano and the ASL of Oristano, Saturday 26 October from 9am to 13pm in Piazza Eleonora, with the involvement of organizations, institutions and volunteers. They will be present the dog units of the Police Headquarters, the Guardia di Finanza and the Carabinieri, the animal rights volunteer associations, the Sandro Piras dog shelter in Silì and the students of the city's comprehensive institutes who will be the main protagonists with their little four-legged friends.

Oristano contro il randagismo: una giornata dedicata ai cani per promuovere l'adozione e i rapporti fedeli tra cuccioli e uomini

Crai, TRE A, Dogo and Ceas Aristanis will be sponsors of the event. Team Piras, specialized in breeding and training, will provide technical assistance, can be contacted at 320 4303629 or at the email apiras1977@hotmail.it for information and registrations.

The day will open at 9am with an initial moment dedicated to free microchipping of the dogs by the ASL Veterinary Service. From 9.15 it will be possible to register the dogs that will participate in the parade open to mixed-breed dogs, small and large sized, purebred puppies from 3 to 9 months and the best of the breed. The awards ceremony will be at 12.

In the stands in Piazza Eleonora there will be space for highlight the many benefits that derive from the relationship between man and animal and to share the topics of the day thanks to the presence of ASL experts. Considering the educational value of the initiative, the Municipality and the ASL have asked the schools to participate. Children can ask their families to join them in Piazza Eleonora and bring their little four-legged friend to parade. For all gadgets offered by sponsors (hats and food products) and certificates of participation, but above all the opportunity to develop or consolidate sensitivity towards animals. It will be an experience that they will be able to treasure and share with their families and friends.

"With this new initiative, the Municipality and ASL confirm their collaboration on the issue of stray animals and animal welfare. - emphasizes the Mayor Massimiliano Sanna -. The event is part of a synergy formalized in July with the signing of a memorandum of understanding for the containment of stray animals, the adoption of dogs and cats and veterinary urban hygiene activities. The document aims to give greater strength to the action of the two entities for the correct coexistence between the human and animal populations, in order to obtain advantageous results in terms of animal welfare, health, safety and security of citizens, as well as optimization of available resources and economic savings.".

The General Director of ASL 5, Angelo Maria Serusi, points out: "An important collaboration between our company and the municipal administration of Oristano, which, after the signing of the memorandum of understanding, will continue on Saturday with a morning full of initiatives. For the ASL 5 of Oristano it is a source of satisfaction to contribute to the education of citizens towards respect for animals, but also to the improvement of the urban decorum of the city of Oristano, fighting the phenomenon of stray animals. The presence of the students is important. They will be the men and women of tomorrow and must immediately learn to live with animals and to respect them.".

"If with the memorandum of understanding we have created the institutional framework within which to operate, with concrete initiatives such as this day or with the now numerous meetings with animal rights associations, we try to achieve concrete objectives to combat stray animals, encourage the adoption of dogs and promote animal welfare. - highlights the Councilor for the Environment Maria Bonaria Zedda -. We aim to reduce the phenomenon of stray dogs and the presence of dogs hosted in the kennel and for this reason we promote their adoption, microchipping and sterilization. We focus a lot on young people to develop a new sensitivity towards animals and for this reason we wanted to involve compulsory schools by collecting the participation of over 200 students. The dog parade will be the spectacular moment of the day, but the underlying objective - thanks to the presence of experts from the ASL, volunteers from animal rights associations and canine units of the police force - is to make everyone understand the importance of the correct coexistence between man and animal also in terms of respect for the environment and urban decorum. We remind you that those who walk the dog must always have tools (gloves and bag) and must always provide for the immediate removal of excrement".

“Every pet has the right to an owner who protects its health and a dignified existence perfectly integrated into the environment in which it lives in favor of a perfect psycho-physical state. - he adds the head of the ASL 5 Canine Registry and Stray Animals service, Giuseppe Sedda -. The memorandum of understanding aims to implement a series of actions that guarantee animal welfare by encouraging adoption. Our project will also have positive repercussions on the lives of citizens, because it will improve their socio-health and economic conditions, considering that the phenomenon of stray animals has a negative impact on urban hygiene, on the safety of citizens and on public spending.".

Oristano contro il randagismo: una giornata dedicata ai cani per promuovere l'adozione e i rapporti fedeli tra cuccioli e uomini

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