
Oktoberfest 2024: 6 Police officers from the Bolzano Police Headquarters sent to Munich to provide their qualified support

The Italian police officers are directly employed at the “WIESN” (the area where the celebration takes place) with the aim of, together with their Bavarian colleagues, intervening in the most varied critical situations involving our fellow countrymen.

Oktoberfest 2024: 6 police officers from the Bolzano Police Headquarters have been sent to Munich to provide their qualified support.

For several days the State Police has been present and operational at Munich Oktoberfest with 6 Agents from the Bolzano Police Headquarters, plus an Official with the role of coordinator and interface with the Bavarian Authorities and Police,

The Italian policemen are employed directly at “WIESN” (area where the celebration takes place) with the aim of, together with our Bavarian colleagues, intervening on the occasion of the most varied critical issues involving our fellow countrymen.

The safety system set up this year in Munich is also integrated by agents of the Bolzano traffic police who will provide their qualified support to colleagues of the Highway Police in Holzkirchen (D).

For over 20 years now, the State Police has been employing its agents at the most impressive popular festival in the world, which last year saw a record turnout of over 7 million visitors.

The use of State Police Agents at the “Beer Festival”, discussed and agreed upon last May during the bilateral meeting held in Munich between the Police Chief of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano Paolo SARTORI and the Landespolizei President of Bavaria Michael SCHWALD, is the consolidated fruit of the constant Police cooperation between the Bolzano and Bavarian police headquarters.

During their service on German soil, the Italian Police Agents they act not only as “intercultural” and “linguistic” mediators, but carry out prevention activities in collaboration with the Bavarian Police Authorities, making use of the same powers, with the aim of ensure maximum safety at the event.

The presence of the Italian police officers, in uniform and armed, arouses great media interest every year and is welcomed very positively by the local population, as well as by the thousands of Italian citizens who flock to the “WIESN” every year.

“International police cooperation represents a particularly important aspect of the activities of the police forces – highlighted the Police Commissioner of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano Paolo Sartori –. The cross-border one between the Bolzano Police Headquarters, the LandesPolizei of Tyrol and the LandesPolizei of Bavaria, specifically, is based on traditions consolidated over time, which have allowed important results to be obtained through forms of operational interaction characterized by maximum efficiency, speed and procedural harmony”.

Oktoberfest 2024: sono 6 gli agenti della Polizia della Questura di Bolzano inviati a Monaco di Baviera per fornire il loro qualificato supporto

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