New PTCP for the province of Chieti: the calendar of meetings starting from Monday 26 June
The President of the Province Menna: "“The objective of the meetings in the three territorial areas identified by the new Ptcp is to guarantee the maximum participation of citizens and local associations in the process of designing and perfecting this important instrument of territorial governance and planning" .
New PTCP for the province of Chieti: the calendar of meetings starting from Monday 26 June.
They will take off Monday 26 June The public meetings to present the main news and collect comments from citizens, associations and stakeholders in relation to the new provincial territorial coordination plan adopted on May 30th by the Provincial Council of Chieti. The first meeting, open to citizens and to the various stakeholders of the Municipalities falling within the Chieti-Ortonese area, will be held Monday 26 June at 10.30 am in the council room of the Province of Chieti (Corso Marrucino 97). The according to meeting will be held Wednesday 5 July at 10.30 am in Lanciano, in the “Benito Lanci” room of the Casa di Conversazione (Piazza Plebiscito 61) for the Sangro-Aventino area. The third meeting, reserved for the Trigno-Sinello territorial area, is scheduled in the council room of the Municipality of Vasto on Friday 7 July at 17pm (Piazza Barbacani 2).
All technical-administrative documents relating to the new PTCP are freely accessible and viewable in the dedicated section of the institutional website of the Province of Chieti al link. The meetings will be attended by manager of the Urban Planning sector Nicola Pasquini, head of the territorial planning service Margherita Fellegara and the consultant of the Province of Chieti on the matter, Roberto Mascarucci. After the presentation of the Plan, space will be given to the participants for observations and contributions.
“The objective of the meetings in the three territorial areas identified by the new Ptcp is to guarantee the maximum participation of citizens and local associations in the process of designing and perfecting this important instrument of government and territorial planning”, underlines the President of the Province of Chieti, Francesco Menna. “After the adoption of the Plan voted in the Council on 30 May, a new phase of public consultation opens which will allow the Municipalities to know the Plan in detail and to present observations and contributions. The Ptcp produces direct effects on the territories, outlining the future guidelines for harmonious provincial development, which the Municipalities will have to comply with when reviewing and modifying their territorial governance instruments such as the PRG: for this reason it is particularly important to participate, especially for the technicians”, adds Carlo Moro, delegated councilor for urban planning and territorial planning of the Province of Chieti.
Among the main innovations introduced by the new plan are the absorption of the rules that were part of the Territorial Plan of productive activities (which will be eliminated), the establishment of an information system of territorial data open and accessible to anyone via the web, the transition from a static mapping system to a dynamic and constantly updated one, the division of the territory into nine programmatic areas, the strong attention to the containment of land consumption and the periodic monitoring of the effects of the plan thanks to the digitalisation of the service.
The PTCP is a land use planning tool used to regulate land use and land development at the provincial level, which defines the guidelines for the development of the territory, establishing rules and objectives for urban planning, land management, environmental Protection, infrastructure and other aspects related to territorial planning. Once adopted, the PTCP becomes one reference tool for local authorities, who must comply with its provisions in land planning and in the drafting of their own regulatory plans.
The 104 municipalities of the Province of Chieti divided into three territorial areas with their respective meetings: Chietino-Ortonese area, Monday 26 June at 10.30 Council room Province of Chieti Ari, Arielli, Bucchianico, Canosa Sannita, Casacanditella, Casalincontrada, Chieti, Crecchio, Fara Filiorum Petri, Filetto, Francavilla al Mare, Giuliano Teatino, Guardiagrele, Miglianico, Orsogna, Ortona, Pennapiedimonte, Poggiofiorito, Pretoro, Rapino, Ripa Teatina, Roccamontepiano, San Giovanni Teatino, San Martino sulla Marrucina, Tollo, Torrevecchia Teatina, Vacri, Villamagna . Sangro-Aventino area, Wednesday 5 July at 10.30am Room “B. Lanci” Municipality of Lanciano Altino, Archi, Atessa, Bomba, Borrello, Casoli, Castel Frentano, Civitaluparella, Civitella Messer Raimondo, Colledimacine, Colledimezzo, Fallo, Fara San Martino, Fossacesia, Frisa, Gamberale, Gessopalena, Lama dei Peligni, Lanciano, Lettopalena, Montazzoli, Montebello sul Sangro, Monteferrante, Montelapiano, Montenerodomo, Mozzagrogna, Paglieta, Palena, Palombaro, Pennadomo, Perano, Pietraferrazzana, Pizzoferrato, Quadri, Rocca San Giovanni, Roccascalegna, Roio del Sangro, Rosello, San Vito Chietino, Santa Maria Imbaro, Sant'Eusanio del Sangro, Taranta Peligna, Torino di Sangro, Tornareccio, Torricella Peligna, Treglio, Villa Santa Maria. Trigno-Sinello area, Friday 7 July at 17pm Council room Municipality of Vasto Carpineto Sinello, Carunchio, Casalanguida, Casalbordino, Castelguidone, Castiglione Messer Marino, Celenza sul Trigno, Cupello, Dogliola, Fraine, Fresagrandinaria, Furci, Gissi, Guilmi, Lentella, Liscia, Monteodorisio, Palmoli, Pollutri, Roccaspinalveti, San Buono, San Giovanni Lipioni, San Salvo, Scerni, Schiavi di Abruzzo, Torrebruna, Tufillo, Vasto, Villalfonsina.
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