Monza: 78 days dedicated to readers, books and stories, the “Festival of Stories” is back. Give me a book that opens doors”
From Saturday 21 September to Saturday 7 December 2024, more than 100 free events for children, teenagers, adults and seniors will enliven the 47 libraries of the Network, the Biblio Points of San Fruttuoso and Sant'Albino and the library of the Monza District Prison.
Monza: 78 days dedicated to readers, books and stories, the “Festival of Stories. Give me a book that opens doors” is back.
The Library System BRIANZALIBRARIES organizes the fourth edition of “Festival of Stories. Give me a book that opens doors”. 78 days, from Saturday 21 September to Saturday 7 December 2024, dedicated to people, readers, books, stories: more than 100 free events for children, teenagers, adults and seniors will enliven the 47 libraries of the Network, the Biblio Points of San Fruttuoso and Sant'Albino and the library of the Monza District Prison.
Over 30 operators from the world of culture and entertainment will conduct readings, workshops, recitals with live music, shows, conferences built on the chosen theme of this edition, sport and the Olympic spirit. The Festival wants to anticipate, promote and interpret the big event which will be held in our mountain and urban area in 2026: the Winter Olympics Milano-Curtain.
The events will be structured according to the values expressed in the Olympic Charter: respect, brotherhood, loyalty, promotion of peace, understanding, solidarity and fair play. Sport, culture and education are closely linked aspects and the Festival wants to be the bearer of this overall vision by offering its audience valuable opportunities with which to transfer the foundations of sport into the community.
Some appointments will be the occasion for reflect on Olympic and Paralympic disciplines. Great importance will be given to this last aspect: inclusion is an essential element for the society of the future, a value to be repeated in all liveable and practicable contexts. Guests of the event will be the Italian Paralympic Committee, Panathlon Monza e Brianza, the ASPHI Foundation of Bologna, the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association and some athletes such as Mattia Muratore and Andrea Pusateri.
A further line of appointments will be dedicated to the mountain, to allow the community to experience and appreciate the splendors and opportunities that a territory like ours offers.
All the proposed initiatives have as their the book is the protagonist. Thematic display cases are set up in the libraries and on it is possible to consult the Festival bibliography and, by accessing your personal area with your credentials, reserve the books of interest.
“This edition of the Festival anticipates, promotes and interprets the great event of 2026: the Winter Olympics Milano-Curtain – explains Viviana Guidetti, President of BrianzaBibliteche and Councillor for Libraries of the Municipality of Monza – The events will be organized according to the values expressed in the Olympic Charter: respect, brotherhood, loyalty, promotion of peace, understanding, solidarity and fair play. Sport, culture and education are closely linked aspects and the Festival wants to be the bearer of this overall vision by offering its audience valuable opportunities with which to transfer the foundations of sport into the community".
The President of the Province of Monza and Brianza, Luca Santambrogio, comments: “The fourth edition of the Festival delle Storie promoted by BRIANZABIBLIOTECHE promises to open the doors of the mind and imagination, to the discovery of the new and the different, to create together a world of peace, solidarity and inclusion for all. My invitation to all boys and girls and their families is to accept this invitation and let yourself be transported into the world of sport and the Olympics which, even today, transmit fundamental values for our society".
Initiatives and guests to note:
7 October – Platform 7 18:30 pm | “Monza, tell us stories of the red and whites” dialogue with the author Fiorenzo Dosso and the senator Adriano Galliani, CEO of AC Monza.
Thanks to the collaboration with FIPAV (Italian Volleyball Federation):
19 October – Seregno library 15:30 pm | “An afternoon with Lucky. Volleyball stories” meeting with Andrea Lucchetta, volleyball champion and now beloved commentator.
29th November – Monza San Gerardo library 20:45 pm | “Life beyond sport. Here and now… a golden set” meeting with Marco Fantasia, sports radio commentator.
Thanks to the collaboration with MonzaMountain The author Diego Alverà and the journalist Chiara Todesco will also be guests of the Review.
Many well-known names also from the world of books. They will be hosted with presentations and author workshopsie nationally renowned illustrators for children and young adults, whose books are published by the main Italian publishing houses (Lapis, Editoriale Scienza, Rizzoli, Sinnos).
One name among all, Andrea Valente Winner of the Andersen Prize, collaborator of the RAI program “L'albero azzurro” and creator of the character the black sheep. We also remember:
Frederick Appel, editor of a children's publishing house, author and illustrator, including comics.
Eva Montanari, author and illustrator, with albums published in Italy and around the world. Already known in our territory for Le Immagini della Fantasia.
To know:
The festival offers diversified activities by target and type to meet the interests of citizens: shows, readings with live music, meetings with authors for adults; graphic novel workshops, board game tournaments organized during the International Games Week in November to involve the children aged 11 and over, the target group with the greatest disaffection.
Festival that becomes widespread: no longer initiatives hosted only in libraries, but also in theatres, cinemas, and cultural venues in the city, planning events that will bring books and reading to unusual places: this is the result of the great synergy with all the realities of the territory.
A festival that gets people involved: active public involvement called not only to participate in the initiatives, but also to interact with the community of library readers. The bookmark created specifically for the edition includes a box where you can leave your reading advice; the booklet with the complete program contains pages to highlight the most interesting events, write comments and notes to photograph and share on social media, tagging the official pages of the Festival with the hashtag #clickfds2024.
The initiatives of the Festival delle Storie are carried out with the contribution from the Lombardy Region and are part of the programme of the Cultural Olympics of the Foundation Milano Cortina 2026.
Monza Park Festival Promotion Committee
The Monza Park Festival Promotion Committee is a partner of the “Festival delle Storie” Project. On the occasion of the Junior Fest initiative that will be held on September 29th as part of the 2024 edition of the Park Festival (September 13-15 and 27-29), the BRIANZABIBLIOTECHE libraries will be present with a Book Corner set up at Villa Mirabello. For the occasion, two activities are also planned for girls and boys aged 2 and up.
Regional Directorate of Museums Lombardy – Expiatory Chapel of Monza
The Regional Directorate of Museums of Lombardy coordinates and promotes state museums at the regional level, encouraging collaboration with other local entities to improve the quality of services. Specifically, the libraries cooperate with the Directorate for the promotion of the Expiatory Chapel of Monza through readings, guided tours in the dark and meetings. The Expiatory Chapel will also host an initiative during the Festival: October 19 at 15:30 pm “I'll tell you about sport”.
Monza for children
Also for the fourth edition of the Festival, the media partner will be Monza per i bambini. The portal is a point of reference for the Brianza community and will ensure wide diffusion of the Festival and the scheduled initiatives.
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