“Modena World Heritage Celebration” is back, the annual event dedicated to the UNESCO site with numerous initiatives. “Eternal Return. Infinite Past, Infinite Future” is the theme of this edition
From Friday 4th to Sunday 6th October guided tours to discover the Unesco site, workshops for children and the Servillo show also on the sound system at the Duomo Museums
“Modena World Heritage Celebration” is back, the annual event dedicated to the UNESCO site with numerous initiatives. “Eternal Return. Infinite Past, Infinite Future” is the theme of this edition.
An evening visit to the Cathedral Museums while listening to the piped music of “Le voci di Dante”, the monologue that Toni Servillo recites in the Cathedral on Friday 4 and Saturday 5 October. It is one of the proposals of “Modena world heritage in celebration”, the annual event dedicated to the UNESCO site, inserted in the calendar of the initiative to allow all interested parties to enjoy, even if at a distance, the show for which the seats inside the church have been sold out for some time. On the occasion of the Festival, the Cathedral Museums, on Friday 4 and Saturday 5 October, will be open, in fact, on an extraordinary basis until 23 pm, with reduced admission to 4 euros.
The program of “Modena World Heritage Celebration” offers a journey through the centuries in the heart of the city through guided tours to immerse yourself in the architectural and artistic wonder of Piazza Grande, with the Cathedral and the Ghirlandina. “Eternal return. Infinite past, infinite future” is the theme of the 2024 edition, chosen to evoke the idea of a past, that of Roman “Mutina”, which lives again in the Romanesque monuments and through the centuries up to us, but also to remember how much the history and the voices of the people who changed it, starting from the patron saint of the city San Geminiano, still live in our present and in our future.
From Friday 4th October, and throughout the weekend at different times, theand guided tours “San Geminiano and the origins of a cathedral” and “The echo of the ancient”, aimed at adults (reservations required through the website visitmodena.it).
The itinerary dedicated to the patron saint of Modena leads to the discovery of the Cathedral and the Duomo Museums, recounting the central role that the saint had not only in the construction of the Cathedral that we see today, but in the urban evolution of the entire city. “The echo of the ancient” is a journey that starts from the Palazzo dei Musei and arrives in Piazza Grande to discover how it has changed over the centuries, from the Early Middle Ages, before the construction of the Cathedral, to the Renaissance, when it became the place to exhibit the remains of Roman Mutina, in many cases reused according to a renewed relationship with the ancient. Visitors will be able toto recognize the connections between some of the most important artifacts from the Roman era preserved in the city museums and the most important monuments of the city.
Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 October “Millenovantanove vite ancora” is also taking place, an experience dedicated to boys and girls that aims to provide an opportunity to reflect on the theme of sustainability, in accordance with the objectives of the UN Agenda 2030 and with the recommendations of UNESCO, which requires World Heritage sites to commit to combating climate change. The workshop will explain including il Duomo , garland have been built in the Middle Ages with ancient material, to then connect this practice with that of the creative reuse of objects. The path also includes an educational moment against food waste and some pleasant surprises (in collaboration with Piacere Modena).
The whole program of the demonstration and the times extraordinary openings are available on the website visitmodena.it where you can also make reservations for guided tours and entrance to monuments.
The initiative is part of the project Valorizzazione e promozione del Patrimonio Unesco e delle Media Arts per potenziare la attractiveness turistico della città, financed by the Ministry of Tourism within the Fund in favor of municipalities with a cultural, historical, artistic and landscape vocation.
The event is designed and promoted by the Museo Civico di Modena – Ufficio Patrimonio Mondiale and the Servizio Promozione della città e Turismo of the Comune di Modena in collaboration with Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT /Teatro Nazionale. The 2024 edition is made possible thanks to the collaboration of the Museums of the Cathedral of Modena, the Metropolitan Chapter of Modena and the Archdiocese of Modena and Nonantola, as well as the Focal point creative cities and urban history – Modena Culture Department.
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