Modena: “Tables under the stars” returns to the historic center this weekend
From Friday 19 July, the initiative that allows public establishments to expand their outdoor space beyond the normal terraces returns on the weekend for three evenings.
Modena: “Tables under the stars” returns to the historic center this weekend
From Friday 19th to Sunday 21st July "Tables under the stars" returns, the initiative which, until September, from hours to 19 23, allows the public establishments to expand beyond the space normally reserved for dehors, furnishing the streets with movable seats and tables, thanks to the limitations of vehicular traffic.
Born in the 2020, since full of the health emergency, with the objective of allowing an orderly expansion of the outdoor spaces of public establishments, guaranteeing distancing, initiative “Tables under the stars” it is now entered into the habits of the people of Modena, is also recognizable by a specific logo and, thanks to the collaboration with trade associations, it was included by the Department of Economic Policies and Tourism as a special project in the Dehors Regulation, so as to be able to activate it to continue to encourage social opportunities in the spaces of the historic center.
The areas affected are those of the square: Torti, via Castel Maraldo, via Gallucci, Calle di Luca – San Francesco, via Albinelli, via Ruggera, largo Sant'Eufemia and via Carteria, via Badia, via Bertolda and, from this year, also via Modonella.
To allow the initiative to take place, Transit is limited in the streets and squares concerned with diversions for vehicular traffic, but leaving however a 3,50 meter safety corridor is free for emergency vehicles.
Traffic restrictions starting from Friday they concern the suspension of circulation in piazzale Torti from via Selmi to number 19 of via Balugola excluded; in via Albinelli from via dei Servi to piazza XX Settembre excluded; in via Gallucci, from Corso Canalgrande to Corso Adriano excluded; in Calle di Luca from Largo San Francesco except to the end of the street; in via Castel Maraldo from number 21 to number 30 of Cardinal Morone; in via Ruggera from via Stella to via Carteria; in via Sant'Eufemia from via Carteria to largo Sant'Eufemia, in via Badia and in via Modonella from via Gherarda to number 15. However, the practicability of the intersections Selmi/Foschieri, Calle di Luca/largo S.Francesco, Balugola/ Bold.
During “Tables under the stars”, in the affected areas there is also a ban on parking on both sides from 18pm and the road system is temporarily modified, in particular to allow access to residents.
Here are the planned road changes. piazzale Torti, Canalchiaro/Balugola two-way traffic for residents and directed to the carriages with priority given to those coming from Piazzale Torti heading towards Canalchiaro; Selmi/Torti coming from via dei Servi you must turn left; Selmi/Grasulfi obligatory turn right onto via Grasolfi. On the way Castel Maraldo no access except residents and those heading to driveways; Castle Maraldo with two-way traffic with right of way for those coming from Largo Pomposa direction Emilia Centro; Cardinal Morone becomes two-way with right of way for those coming from Piazzale Pomposa towards Emilia Centro. Via Gallucci, via Mascherella/rua Pioppa direction via Emilia Centro with two-way traffic for residents and those heading towards driveways with priority for those coming from via Gallucci towards via Mascherella; rua Two-way Dog Lane/Poplar Lane with priority for those coming from via Gallucci towards Emilia Centro; Vicolo del Cane direction via Masone with two-way traffic for residents of via Masone with priority given to those coming from via Masone.
Also in via Bertolda the traffic is two-way with right of way to those coming from the side of Via Stella towards Corso Canalchiaro, as well as in via Modonella, with one-way alternating in the stretch from number 17 away San Vincenzo and right of way for vehicles heading towards Via San Vincenzo.
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