Milano, the tribute to the lawyer Giorgio Ambrosoli
The city of Milano remembers the lawyer Giorgio Ambrosoli on the forty-fifth anniversary of his assassination.
Milano, the tribute to the lawyer Giorgio Ambrosoli.
Milano, July 9, 2024 – The city of Milano remembers the lawyer Giorgio Ambrosoli on the forty-fifth anniversary of his assassination.
Three events will be held on Thursday 11 July to renew the memory and honor the memory of Ambrosoli, appointed liquidator of the Italian Private Bank and of the financial activities of the banker Michele Sindona, murdered precisely on July 11, 1979 by a hitman hired by Sindona himself.
The event will be held next Thursday morning, from 10.30 to 12, to remember his passing “In memory of Giorgio Ambrosoli” at the Ambrosoli Library of the Palace of Justice (access from the Corso di Porta Vittoria entrance). An important opportunity to remember, promoted by the Bar Association of Milano and by the Court of Milano, in collaboration with the Municipality and to whom he will send his greetings there President of the municipal council of Milano, Elena Buscemi.
Always on the anniversary of his death, the Free Association against the mafias, again in collaboration with the Municipality, promotes the theatrical show at 20.30 pm in the auditorium of the National Science and Technology Museum (via San Vittore 21). “The strength of a no. The story of Giorgio Ambrosoli told to children“, brought on stage by the actresses and actors of the Macrò Maudit Teater. Entrance is free while places last.
At the end of the show, starting from 22 pm, it will be possible to participate in the traditional evening meeting in front of the lawyer's home, in via Morozzo della Rocca 1, where Giorgio Ambrosoli was killed on the evening of 11 July 79.
The initiative that concludes the day will see the participation of the Ambrosoli family, the institutions and Libera. Introduced by Libera's representative Milano, Pietro Basile, the Deputy Mayor of will speak Milano Anna Scavuzzo, the President of the Bar Association of Milano, Antonino La Lumia, the regional representative of Libera Lorenzo Frigerio, and the founder of the SulleRegole association Gherardo Colombo.
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