Milano, Food Policy: April 23, in canteens Milano Catering arrives the traditional Pan de Mej

An initiative to rediscover the flavors and food traditions of Milano and Lombardy.

Milano, Food Policy: on 23 April, St. George's Day, in the canteens served by Milano Catering arrives the traditional Pan de Mej.

It continues in canteens and school refectories journey through the flavors and food traditions of Milano and Lombardy, a path that the Municipality of Milano e Milano Catering they carry forward to enhance the strong link between food and territory, as part of the city's Food Policy activities.

To celebrate an important event Ambrosian tradition, on Tuesday 23 April, girls and boys from all nursery, primary and secondary schools will receive Pan de Mej as dessert, a millet-based dessert with the aroma of dried elderflowers traditionally prepared on St. George's Day, in memory of the ancient custom of celebrating the signing of contracts for the supply of milk between herdsmen and milkmen.

After the success of the initiative carried out for the first time during the 2023 Food Forum, this year too the distribution will be accompanied by an illustrated flyer, which will tell the story and recipe of this traditional dessert, and teachers and educators will have the opportunity to delve deeper into the didactic and pedagogical contents in the classroom. The initiative, shared with school directors and managers of municipal educational services, has the aim of diversifying educational opportunities that go in the direction of recognizing the important value of food and, also, of preserving and passing on Milanese culinary traditions and Lombard even among the little ones.

Milano, Food Policy: il 23 aprile, giorno di San Giorgio, nelle mense servite da Milano Ristorazione arriva il tradizionale Pan de Mej.

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