Milano Digital Week: from 10 to 14 October there will be 120 events dedicated to innovation, including workshops, debates and initiatives
The meeting place and connector between citizens and businesses during the days of the event will be Palazzo Giureconsulti, which has been entrusted with the role of central hub, with a schedule of events curated by the organizer TIG – The Innovation Group in collaboration with the Municipality of Milano and with mechanical Milano&Partners.
Milano Digital Week: from 10 to 14 October there will be 120 events dedicated to innovation, including workshops, debates and initiatives.
I'm over 120 events scheduled for the Milano Digital Week 2024. They will take place from 10 to 14 October under the title “The new language of the city. Between Artificial Intelligence and human expressions”: five non-stop days of initiatives, workshops, debates with free admission to build a dialogue between businesses, institutions and citizens on the main issues affecting digitalization.
The seventh edition of the review, which investigates the relationship between new digital languages and human languages, will develop six thematic tracks, linked by the perspective of technological development at the service of people, communities and a renewed sociality: Digital for businesses, Digital Citizenship, Smart City, Technologies, Culture and Entertainment, Work and Training. Publishing, training, work, mobility, cybersecurity are some of the macro-areas that will be the protagonists of the debate on the future of the city, in which professionals, experts and operators from the digital world will participate.
The meeting place and connector between citizens and businesses during the days of the event will be Giureconsulti Palace, who was entrusted with the role of central hub, with a schedule of events curated by the organizer TIG – The Innovation Group in collaboration with the Municipality of Milano and with mechanical Milano&Partners. Here it will be hosted a series of meetings to discuss the key elements of digital development for the city of Milano, in a double B2B and B2C format.
The calendar
On the opening day, Thursday October 10, after the inaugural conference at Palazzo Marino, three initiatives promoted by the Knowledge Hub MEET Digital Culture Center, the first International Center for Digital Art and Culture in Italy, born in collaboration with Fondazione Cariplo, which combines art with the digital world in innovative forms: the exhibition-performance “Artificial Dreams”; the talk “Digital Puccini”, in collaboration with Archivio Storico Ricordi, Bertelsmann and Teatro alla Scala; “CDSA – CITY DIGITAL SKIN ART”, public art intervention on the large LED screens at the entrance to the Central Station Milano.
On the morning of Friday 11 October we will talk about "Milano digital capital of the country” and in a round table at Palazzo Reale, in collaboration with Agid, on the accessibility of digital services; also in the afternoon the focus will be on the development of Smart City services for citizens and businesses and on sustainable urban transformation.
Saturday October 12 we will discuss cyber security, tools to protect personal data and digital identity and “Risks of cybercrime in the era of Artificial Intelligence”.
Monday October 14 the meetings will delve into the sphere of technology ethics as well as data-driven city governance. Finally, in the format of the B2C days, there will be several proposals for the involvement and active participation of citizens, such as the hackathon for young students organized by H – Farm on Friday and the interactive experience with Emergency visors on Saturday afternoon.
Il program of the events of the review can now be consulted online on the website of the Milano Digital Week ( with instructions for participating.
Thematic hubs
One of the novelties of the Milano Digital Week 2024 is the activation of a series of thematic hubs that will take the name of Knowledge Hub: locations spread throughout the city of Milano within which meetings and events will be organised for citizens and businesses. Each pole will focus on a specific theme within his competence.
Among the Hubs, we highlight: Spazio Lenovo, in Corso Matteotti and Le Village di Credit Agricole in the Porta Romana area, a space dedicated to the world of Start-ups and investors which, in the two days of initiatives, will see the participation of Italian Tech Alliance, Growth Capital. MEET – Digital Culture Centre, in Porta Venezia, will carry out the three projects for the opening of the Milano Digital Week.
The headquarters of theIulm University to host AI.Motion – Italian Film and Audiovisual Festival with Artificial Intelligence, lasting two days. In HEALTHCARE, in Via Tortona, TIG – The Innovation Group will organize one of the main Italian events in the field of training and dissemination of culture on the themes of digital innovation in the field of healthcare. Libreria Egea dell'Università Bocconi will activate a schedule of meetings and presentations with authors from the digital world. The Cefriel Research Institute will plan a series of initiatives aimed at companies and dedicated to professional training on digital topics, with a focus on Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence and its possible applications. MADE Competence Center will organize two days dedicated to the world of industry 4.0, with a Summit organized by TIG – The Innovation Group and a day aimed at citizens with interactive experiences related to AI.
The projects of the call for proposals
The projects selected through the Call for proposals will enliven the city of Milano with activities, talks and interactive workshops. A series of initiatives, accessible online or in person, will involve the public by inviting them to discover new emerging realities, such as start-ups or university projects, or to listen to the opinion of experts and professionals in the sector through webinars, photographic exhibitions, “digital tastings” and immersive experiences.
The themes
Numerous topics will be investigated and discussed, from the public communication of data with the National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) to the study of the relationship between AI and sustainability, in the talk organized by the French Chamber of Commerce in Italy. Among the protagonists this year are also the arts, music and the entertainment sector: the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory of Music in Milano will stage a concert dedicated to human/machine communication; INAF – Brera Astronomical Observatory will propose an exploration of the history, the city and the frontiers of astronomy through new multimedia languages.
In this 2024 edition, digitalization also affects the publishing world, among the initiatives dedicated to readers are those of Bookabook, which will promote a conference dedicated to the power of the word, and of New Thought Editorial, which will launch the first Italian magazine distributed digitally via whatsapp. Various realities are included in the digital week schedule with initiatives aimed at promoting the use of technologies for social purposes.
Among these the Bruno Kessler Foundation will present Eufacets, a project born to promote intergenerational dialogue between the elderly, adults and young people. The DIKE Law Firm proposes an event at the LUISS HUB in which creativity, artificial intelligence and protection of intellectual property will be discussed. SEC Newgate will present the TRUE platform which, thanks to possibilities offered by AI, is able to analyze and measure in real time the actual reputational positioning of a brand, an organization, a leader, respecting the effects of time and the complexity of the factors that act on it.
Associations and Universities
Numerous associations have decided to give their support to the Milano Digital Week: Assolombarda, Chamber of Commerce Milano, Monza Brianza and Lodi; Confcommercio, UPA, UNA, AIIA, Assintel, IIDEA, Confcommercio Lombardia, IIIA, Asseprim, VR/AR, Web3 Alliance, Afil.
Among the university centers, it participates in the Milano Digital Week 2024 the Department of Design of the Polytechnic of Milano: three thematic panels with academics and new media experts will analyse how technology can support decision-making processes. The University of Milano-Bicocca will take part in the event with a webinar on analog and digital language. New teaching methods and a new approach to critical thinking will instead be the central themes of the meeting organized byCatholic University of Sacred Heart. In addition to these, there are the events organised by IED and NABA.
“We believe that the Milano Digital Week – declares Pietro Cerretani, CEO of TIG Events, a company of the TIG Group – The Innovation Group, commissioned by the Municipality of Milano to organize the Milano Digital Week – is an important opportunity for discussion and dialogue between different realities, public and private, to reflect on what we can define as the main challenge of our century: digitalization. Our goal is to give a voice to all those who believe they can offer their contribution to development. technological and the ethical and social debate that is created around it. In this regard, the involvement of universities is fundamental, but also of innovative start-ups, research centers, non-profit organizations and foundations, because digitalization is a phenomenon that concerns us all but above all concerns the future of our cities”.
"La Milano Digital Week – says Layla Pavone, coordinator of the Board for Technological Innovation and Digital Transformation of the Municipality of Milano – does not want to be only the contribution of the city of Milano to one of the most urgent debates of this century. The Municipality has been promoting it since 2018 as an open laboratory and an opportunity for discussion and valorization for all those who, through technologies, impact the digital footprint of the city. With the precious contribution of Milano&Partners becomes an opportunity to highlight the leadership role of Milano in the panorama of digital innovation in Italy and in the world, but above all to connect citizens with professionals and to affirm the importance of digital culture and education for all. The presence of a new player in the life of citizens and in the development of the smart city, artificial intelligence, strengthens the mission that we have attributed to this review and has pushed us to make it even more inclusive”.
La Milano Digital Week 2024 also becomes a editorial project intended to continue beyond the end of the event through the use of the digital platform. The latter will act as a repository of events and materials produced during the days of the event, useful to citizens and businesses to better understand digital-related phenomena. The platform, designed, created and managed by TIG – The Innovation Group, will host the streaming of events (which will therefore also be accessible remotely) from 10 to 14 October and will thus function as an aggregator of the content provided during the Milano Digital Week, ferrying visitors towards the 2025 edition.
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