MILANO CINECONCERTI FESTIVAL: grand finale with the last two events on the agenda.
Last two appointments for Milano Cineconcerti Festival, review of silent films with live sound with the artistic direction of Rossella Spinosa, which received great interest and broad public participation throughout the intense programming. Born in Milano for the schedule Milano she is alive in collaboration and with the support of City of Milano, the Festival, based in Piazza Belloveso in the Niguarda district, accompanied the Milanese summer evenings, offering a precious opportunity to rediscover the non-sound film heritage with the live performance of historical and contemporary scores by soloists and chamber ensembles. A surprising journey of music and cinema among infinite suggestions which saw the presence of an enthusiastic, participatory public ready to resist even the elements. A real successful challenge for ainitiative of high cultural value brought to the Milanese neighborhood of Niguarda.
The last two evenings of events are Tuesday 19 and Thursday 21 September, both with the screening of films that have marked the history of cinema; two events of great appeal and involvement for all cinema and music enthusiasts. Tuesday September 19 is scheduled Metropolis, 1927 film directed by Fritz Lang and considered his masterpiece, a film that has become a true cult and reference model for much of subsequent science fiction cinema, a source of inspiration for numerous films.
The closing of the review, Thursday 21 September, instead sees the screening of Der Golem, a 1920 film directed by Paul Wegener, Carl Boese and Henrik Galeen. Among the first examples of surrealism with influences from the fantasy genre, the film is set in the Jewish ghetto of sixteenth-century Prague.
Performing Rossella Spinosa's original scores will be, for the appointment on September 21st, the first parts of the strings ofSymphony Orchestra of Milano, with Rossella Spinosa on the piano and conducted by Alessandro Calcagnile. The score of Der Golem by Rossella Spinosa has been performed in concert over the years by various Italian and foreign orchestral groups, as well as recorded on DVD for Humanitarian Film Library of Spinosa's music with theMusical Afternoons Orchestra for the Silent Cinema Series of the same Cineteca.
Both films in the program deal, in a certain way, with the topic of Artificial Intelligence and the creation by humans of non-human alter egos, ready to escape human control.
The shows see the presence every evening by a different representative of the Milanese third sector who brings their own contribution and testimony on the social issues covered by the evening.
The programming of Milano Cineconcerts Festival continues with meetings, workshops and masterclasses open to the public in other places in the city and which will continue until the end of October. Live shows and seminars are ad free entry, with proposals available from every age group.
At Munari Theatre the rescheduling of canceled shows in case of bad weather.
Tuesday September at 19 21.00
Film Metropolis (1927)
Director: Fritz Lang
The film, based on a novel by Thea van Harbou. It takes place in 2026, in a sprawling one Metropolis. The megalopolis flaunts very tall skyscrapers, among which daring causeways crossed by futuristic cars intersect. The inhabitants are rich do-nothings greedy for comfort and luxuries. But the lower part of the city hides a horror: proletarians who work incessantly and in superhuman conditions like slaves. In that hell he wanders an angel, the sweet and gentle Mary (Brigitte Helm) a young woman who encourages the workers by making them trust in providence; besides that, she takes care of their children. One day she takes them to see a wonderful garden."in the city above". Meet here John (Gustav Frohlich), master's son absolute of Metropolis, Freder Frederer (Alfred Abel). The boy is deeply impressed by her and following her he discovers the dungeons and the men enslaved. His life changes when he decides to enter the reality of the underground and begins to be part of it. He searches for her beloved but cannot find her: she was kidnapped on Frederer's orders by a scientist with the task of developing a Android identical to Maria which should divide the workers, but in reality, its creator will use it to foment the revolt with the aim of wresting power from Frederer. Metropolis will witness disastrous scenarios, the robot woman will lead a revolt, the factories will stop, the city will risk collapse and the workers will lose their lives.
Thursday 21 September 21.00pm
Film Der Golem (1920)
Director: Paul Wegener, Carl Boese and Henrik Galeen
Around 1580, Prague, the emperor prepares a plan to expel the Jews from the city by falsely accusing them of having sacrificed children in blasphemous rituals. When the Count Floriano publishes the edict for expulsion, the Rabbi Löw, knowledgeable in magical arts and alchemy, decides to intervene in defense of his people and, having built a gigantic clay statue, the golem, evokes the demon Astarotte so that he may reveal to him the word necessary to give him life. Embedded on the statue's chest is a small engraving bearing the name “aemet” (“life” or “truth”), Löw animates the Golem and takes him with him to the emperor's court to dissuade him. Her prayers and his threats are in vain and only after the palace risks collapsing due to divine anger and the Golem saves his family, the emperor agrees to withdraw the edict. Once the work is finished, the rabbi prepares to restore the colossus to rest by removing the engraving, but Famulus, the treacherous servant, he takes possession of it to make it an instrument of his revenge. Original music by Rossella Spinosa performed by the first parts of the strings ofSymphony Orchestra of Milano, with Rossella Spinosa on piano and Alessandro Calcagnile conducting. (In case of bad weather, the show will be made up at the Munari Theater of Milano Friday 22 September at 21).
Rossella Spinosa:
He graduated in piano, harpsichord, composition and graduated in Law and Musicology. She plays in halls such as Carnegie Hall in New York, Italian Bunka Kaikan in Tokyo, Liszt Academy in Budapest etc, and performs many new works dedicated to herself, in Europe, Canada, the United States, Russia, South America, Korea and Japan . You have collaborated for years with the Oscar winner Luis Bacalov; he writes works for orchestra, for opera and theatre, commissioned and performed by Kyev Camerata, I Pomeriggi Musicali, Orchestra da Camera di Lugano, etc. He composes the music for over one hundred silent cinema films which received great response from the public and critics. She works with Ottavia Piccolo, Moni Ovadia, Paolo Rossi, the Duo Pali & Dispari and Teresa Mannino in live performances. His monographic CD published by Stradivarius entitled “Rossella Spinosa: Orchestral and chamber works, vol. 1”, was included by Il Manifesto among the best ten new music productions of the 2011-2020 decade, the only Italian name in a list of international standing.
Alessandro Calcagnile:
Refined interpreter of the modern and contemporary repertoire, after having trained in the Conservatories of Milano, Brescia and Nuremberg, in his early twenties he made his debut as an orchestra conductor at the Sala Santa Cecilia of the Parco della Musica in Rome at the head of theNew Italian Symphony Orchestra. From there a brilliant career that will lead him to perform in the most important halls and theaters in the world, until reaching the great hall of the Carnegie Hall in New York. He has collaborated with the I Pomeriggi Musicali Orchestra, the Cantelli Orchestra of Milano, the Italian Philharmonic Orchestra, the Sanremo Symphony Orchestra, the Tuscany Regional Orchestra, the I Professori Orchestra of the San Carlo in Naples. President and among the founders of the Contemporary Music Center of Milano, Musical Director of the New MADE Ensemble, Editorial Director of Edizioni Sconfinarte, is one of protagonists of contemporary music at a national level and has collaborated with major living composers. He has recorded for Stradivarius, RAI, Italian Swiss Radio Television, Albanian National Radio Television, Radio Capodistria.
Tuesday 19th and Thursday 21st September
Belloveso Square
Zone 9 Niguarda District, Milano
Starts at 21pm – free entry
In case of bad weather, the final event on Thursday 21 September will be rescheduled
Friday 22 September at 21pm at the Bruno Munari Theater Milano.
Wednesday 25 October at 15
Lambrate space
Viale delle Rimembranze di Lambrate 16, Milano
Rossella Spinosa seminar
Free Admission with registrations to
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