Milano, at Palazzo Reale hosts the exhibition “Valerio Adami the painter of ideas”

Milano celebrates one of the major Italian post-war artists on his sixty-fifth career anniversary with an anthology from 17 July to 22 September with free admission. The exhibition consists of 120 works including 70 paintings and 50 drawings by the master.

Milano, at Palazzo Reale hosts the exhibition “Valerio Adami the painter of ideas”

Royal Palace, from now, Wednesday 17 July, and until 22 September, hosts the anthology of Valerio Adami, one of the major Italian artists of the post-war period, in his sixty-fifth anniversary of career and research.

The exhibition is promoted by the Municipality of Milano – Culture and produced by Palazzo Reale with the Valerio Adami Archive, with the patronage of the Italian Cultural Institute in Paris. Curated by Marco Meneguzzo, with the general coordination of Valeria Cantoni Mamiani, president of the Valerio Adami Archive, the exhibition presents over seventy large paintings and around fifty drawings, by 1957 al 2023, among the most significant of the Maestro's work.

Milano, a Palazzo Reale ospita la mostra "Valerio Adami il pittore di idee"

Painter esteemed throughout the world, Valerio Adami perfectly embodies the idea of ​​the international artist e open to all suggestions derived from other languages, such as literature, philosophy, music. After training in Milan, in Brera, with Achille Funi, he has always frequented an international environment, finding many places of choice and inspiration abroad.

Milano, a Palazzo Reale ospita la mostra "Valerio Adami il pittore di idee"

Adami's painting, which from the beginning was often presented in large formats, as early as the mid-1960s it is unmistakable thanks to the meeting between those distinctive signs of pop art - Which the black line, the bright and flat colours, the bold features and the urban subjects –, and the constant reference to tradition and classicism - that narrates myths and legends in a constant figuration that recovers the human body, albeit broken down – in an era in which Abstractionism, Arte Povera and Conceptual art prevailed. A further distinctive feature of his work is the literary vocation: he is in fact rich in visual citations, but also linked to words.

Milano, a Palazzo Reale ospita la mostra "Valerio Adami il pittore di idee"

Behind immediately readable images a deeper narrative is implied: Adami's works are filled with sophisticated visual metaphors e they contain philosophical, literary and mythological concepts, representing the evolution of Western thought and a “painter of ideas”, therefore, as the subtitle of the exhibition states, who shows in his works how one can be an artist and an intellectual at the same time.

The exhibition retraces the Maestro's production, configuring itself as an anthology marked out chronologically, except for some significant variations. The first two rooms display works from the beginning to the end of the 1960s. The third room presents works from the seventies (with openings towards the Eighties), while the fourth becomes a typological room, intended for the portraits that the artist has conducted over the decades on the "noble fathers", which he chose as examples of life and art.

Milano, a Palazzo Reale ospita la mostra "Valerio Adami il pittore di idee"

The subsequent rooms are mainly dedicated to the last four decades, to testify to the fruitfulness of Adami e.'s work to ideally continue the exhibition created in 1986 at the Center Pompidou in Paris and then transferred in its entirety the same year to the rooms of Palazzo Reale a Milano. The exhibition is enriched by a narrow passage between the rooms “carpeted” from the very recent ideal portraits that the artist has compulsively created in recent months and that they constitute a sort of expressionist "counterpart" to his measured and calculated painting.

Milano, a Palazzo Reale ospita la mostra "Valerio Adami il pittore di idee"


Valerio Roman Adams (Bologna, 1935) lives between Italy and Paris. Felice Carena's atelier, then the meeting in Venice with Oskar Kokoschka e later the Brera Academy with Achille Funi was his training itinerary. Dai early sixties, together with his wife Camilla Cantoni Mamiani, begins a life of travel that will lead him to live and work in various European cities, in the United States, especially in New York, in Latin America, in Israel and in India, making new friends and creating a circle of intellectuals that includes names such as Carlos Fuentes, Jacques Derrida, Italo Calvino and Luciano Berio.

He has held numerous solo and group exhibitions in public museums and private galleries around the world, often accompanied by notable catalogs containing texts by critics, writers and philosophers. Among others, Philippe Bonnefis, Italo Calvino, Jacques Derrida, Gillo Dorfles, Paolo Fabbri, Carlos Fuentes, Michel Onfray, Maurizio Ferraris, Octavio Paz, Vittorio Sgarbi, Antonio Tabucchi, Dore Ashton, Jean-François Lyotard.

His works have been exhibited at MoMA and the Jewish Museum in New York, Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, at the Center Georges Pompidou, to the Maeght Foundation, in Tel Aviv, Buenos Aires, Athens, Valencia, Caracas, Helsinki and many other places. He also received numerous commissions for the creation of public works, above all in France, such as the wall panels at the Gare d'Austerlitz and the Théâtre du Chatelet in Paris, the windows for the hôtel de ville de Vitry-sur-Seine and the painting about the Battle of Valmy for the Ministry of the Interior.

He was born in 1971 the movie Desert holidays born from the collaboration between Valerio Adami, also protagonist of the film, and his brother, director of the film, Giancarlo Roman Adams - experimental filmmaker and assistant to Federico Fellini on the set of Dolce vita -, with the participation of his wife Camilla, together with Dino Buzzati and the painters Aldo Mondino and Errò.

All information on the site:

Milano, a Palazzo Reale ospita la mostra "Valerio Adami il pittore di idee"


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