"Milano 25 July 2023: the fragility of trees". The photographic exhibition to remember the storm

The installation of the over 4.700 trees that fell during the 'downburst' will begin in November.

"Milano 25 July 2023: the fragility of trees". The photographic exhibition to remember the storm.

One year after the violent storm that hit the city on the night between 24 and 25 July 2023 with heavy rain and intense gusts of wind, Milano remember and document this exceptional phenomenon which, in a few minutes, caused the crash of thousands of plants with the photographic exhibition 'Milano 25 July 2023: the fragility of trees'.

The exhibition is set up, from July 25th to August 25th, on the gates of the Indro Montanelli Public Gardens (on the side of Corso Venezia and Via Palestro). The thirty images were taken by the photographer of the Municipality of Milano, Andrea Scurati, and by other professionals including Andrea Cherchi, Matteo Donzelli, Andrea Fasani, Elena Galimberti, Daniele Mascolo, in the days of the emergency and testify to the extent of the consequences of the climate crisis, the impact that an unpredictable phenomenon such as the 'downburst' has had on the urban landscape and the reactions of the citizens of Milan. An exhibition which, therefore, also places emphasis on the need to carry out concrete actions to protect the urban environment and to rethink the ways of designing the city and its landscape.

In just a few hours that night, 4.776 trees fell, 3.838 in parks and green areas and 938 along roadsides: an arboreal heritage which, also thanks to the important fundraising Milano for the Trees which reached 1,3 million euros, it will be entirely restored.

The first works will begin in November 2024, at the beginning of the agronomic season. Various replanting interventions which will start next autumn, including the planting of 200 trees in the Indro Montanelli Gardens thanks to the donation from the MSC Foundation, and then the planting of the Forlanini park, the Sempione park and in general throughout the city.

Net of the interventions to restore the trees affected by the storm, in the last year, from November 2023 to today, there have been a total of more than 20.500 new plantings of trees, forest trees and shrubs a Milano. Among the interventions still underway, and which will resume in November 2024, is the renewal of the tree-lined row in via Fabio Filzi, where 120 gleditsia will be planted: 34 have already been installed to replace the class D ones removed.

Control and verification activities on all the city's arboreal heritage are fundamental for the care and protection of the city's greenery. In particular, attention is constant on all the trees classified as most at risk: today there are 38 thousand trees, which are constantly monitored.

“First of all, I would like to thank the people of Milan, companies, individuals, foundations, who have once again demonstrated with their generosity their love for our city: if next autumn/winter we can replace all the trees that fell in the storm of a year ago, it will also be thanks to them – said the councilor for Green and Environment Elena Grandi -. Climate change and its violent and uncontrollable effects require us to change pace and vision. This exhibition tells us about the fragility of our trees, a precious asset for the well-being of the city, which we will have to take care of and protect more and more and better. MilanoLet's remember, it has a heritage of around 500 thousand trees. We need to rethink how, where, to replant new trees, and of which species; and we must have the courage to replace the oldest and sickest trees to create new beautiful, healthy and lush tree-lined avenues and new green areas. Only in this way will we build a greener and healthier city, capable of adapting to climate change and mitigating its effects."

On the occasion of the anniversary, on the channels of the Municipality of Milano the documentary 'L'Albero in città' will be visible, edited by Daniela Trastulli and Luca Errera and sponsored by the Municipality of Milano: a precious contribution that remembers and makes us reflect, always through images, on the phenomenon that has affected us Milano and on the fundamental role of trees in our cities.

"Milano 25 luglio 2023: la fragilità degli alberi". La mostra fotografica per ricordare il nubifragio

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