Milano"Milano Digital Week”, a workshop to learn how to protect yourself from digital risks and scams
workshop to learn how to protect yourself from digital risks and scams
Milano"Milano Digital Week”, a workshop to learn how to protect yourself from digital risks and scams
The online portal turns one Cyber Secure City, accessible to all and free of charge, dedicated to training and informing citizens on the topics of cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, future technologies and digital skills.
The platform, a model of public-private collaboration for the benefit of the community, has achieved, over the course of its first year of life, over 55 thousand users, generating over 335 thousand interactions and 133.125 views. Numbers that confirm the success of the platform born from the collaboration between the Municipality of Milano , Milano Smart City Alliance, an initiative promoted by Assolombarda together with 12 companies – A2A, Accenture, ATM, Cisco, Coima, Dassault Systèmes, Enel X, Fastweb, IBM, Siemens, Signify, TIM.
La Milano Smart City Alliance, since 2020, promotes close collaboration between public and private sectors on the issues of smart and sustainable city development, through the experimentation and implementation of concrete initiatives for the city, such as Cyber Secure City.
The portal is aimed at citizens (with specific focus on students and over 65s), businesses and institutions, interested in learning about the potential and risks associated with the use of technology, in protecting themselves from risks and scams, in learning more about new technologies, in acquiring new skills and improving their own.
"Cybersecurity is increasingly a widespread process, in which the actors are no longer just technicians but informed, aware, competent individuals and communities.. Milano, thanks to Cyber Secure City, is positioned at the forefront in the fight against cyber threats, offering citizens the tools needed to navigate an increasingly complex digital world. The platform represents the foundation of a process of collaboration, vision and sharing between the public and private sectors, between businesses and institutions – he declared Joy Ghezzi, vice-president of Assolombarda and president of the Milano Smart City Alliance –. In this logic, we are pleased to welcome new institutions and new companies that have decided to contribute to our vision, through the exchange of skills, greater and more widespread awareness of cyber-risks, and a more conscious use of digital tools”.
In addition to the companies of the Milano This year, Sky Italia and City Vision have also joined the Smart City Alliance initiative: “One year after its birth – continues Joy Ghezzi - Cyber Secure City finds itself more mature, and increasingly stronger in representing the privileged point of contact for citizens, businesses and public administrations to discuss the issues that help us project our city into the future, increasingly smart, connected, open.".
"The Cyber Secure City portal was born in October 2023, the European Cyber Security Month – said the coordinator of the Board for Technological Innovation and Digital Transformation of the Municipality of Milano, Layla pavone – from the collaboration of institutions and companies that feel the responsibility to promote knowledge and skills in the use of technologies. It is important, a year later, to collect the positive response of the city, always ready to welcome innovation and change. Over 90% of cyber attacks are related to human errors, the problem of online security is cultural rather than technical. Resilience to cybercrime is only possible thanks to prepared and aware digital citizens. Milano, a global technology hub, wants to offer everyone the tools to become one”.
The two appointments at the Milano Digital Week
During the Milano Digital Week, the annual event that promotes digital culture and technological innovation, Cyber Secure City will be celebrated in two meetings.
In the first, at Palazzo Giureconsulti, October 11th from 14pm, representatives of the institutions and experts in the sector will lead the presentation of the platform, showing the results achieved and the possibilities of collaboration for public administrations and businesses (“Cyber Secure City. A project between institutions and businesses at the service of citizens”).
The second oneAlways October 11th from 17 pm, will be a real interactive workshop aimed at citizens with the aim of providing practical tools and useful advice for surfing the net safely. Participants will learn to recognize the main cyber threats, prevent the most common risks and adopt good practices to protect their personal data and online privacy (“Cyber Secure City: learn to protect yourself from digital risks and scams”).
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