Milano: 4,8 million for the Research Center on Sport and Rehabilitation at the Polytechnic of Lecco

The Lombardy Region finances with 4,8 million the creation of an innovative research centre for sports rehabilitation and personalised medicine, integrated into the Lecco hub of the Polytechnic of Milano.

Milano: 4,8 million for the Research Centre on Sport and Rehabilitation at the Polytechnic of Lecco.

A contribution from 4.800.000 euros for the creation of a highly innovative integrated research centre on sport and rehabilitation at the Lecco campus of the Polytechnic of Milano.

This is provided for in the resolution approved yesterday by the Regional Council on the proposal of the Councilor for University, Research and Innovation Alessandro Fermi, in agreement with the Councilor for Local Authorities and Mountains Massimo Sertori. The provision gives the green light to the draft agreement between the Lombardy Region and the Polytechnic of Milano for the implementation of the project included in the activities planned for the 'Olympic Legacy Milano Cortina 2026'.


"A project that – Fermi underlined – can only be welcomed with satisfaction and pride by the Lombardy Region. What will be achieved in the Lecco University Campus, in fact, will create a positive impact on the entire territory. Having also the delegations for Research and Innovation, then, my satisfaction is triple, given that we are talking about a cutting-edge project".


Regional funding goes in the direction indicated by the councilor since his appointment. “I've been saying this for months – explained the councilor – we must support the 'Lombardy of the territories' and the Lecco hub is a wonderful example of this. With regard to this project, in particular, it should be highlighted that the Lecco hub is positioned on the Olympic axis Milano-Valtellina and has characterized itself over the years as a multidisciplinary center of expertise on the topic of patient recovery and issues related to disability and inclusion. I recall that there are already 6 research laboratories in the Lecco hub in the field of rehabilitation, assistive technologies, movement analysis; the E4 Sport Lab laboratory that systematize the various engineering and design skills available to sports; the ExaLab platform that allows the monitoring of ergometers within immersive environments for the simulation of sports and motor activity”.


"The completion of the Lecco Territorial Centre of the Polytechnic of Milano It's an important milestone – underlined the Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Lombardy Region with responsibility for Autonomy and Relations with the Regional Council, Mauro Piazza – the creation of this center will contribute to the economic and social growth of the territory and to create a positive and lasting impact, beyond the period of the Games, improving health and rehabilitation services for citizens and enhancing the Lecco territorial hub as a hub of excellence in the sports and rehabilitation sector. In this context, it was essential to create synergies between different subjects in order to channel the existing projects into a coordinated and shared path of development of the territories. For this I thank the president of UniverLecco Vico Valassi, the regional councilor Alessandro Fermi, the magnificent rector Donatella Sciuto and the vice-rector Manuela Grecchi”.


The intervention financed by the Lombardy Region includes the redevelopment of the historic building, called 'Building A', of architectural value, which involves the complete internal strip out of the plant section and the rationalisation of the internal spaces to favour their new intended use. The project includes classrooms for innovative teaching and spaces to host centers of expertise related to rehabilitation, personalized medicine, inclusive sports, as well as a conference room, meeting rooms, and some administrative offices. The main focus will be on the Living Lab, as the primary place where solutions for training, strengthening, active living, rehabilitation, prevention and personal safety will be designed and developed.

Milano: 4,8 milioni per il Centro di Ricerca su Sport e Riabilitazione al Politecnico di Lecco

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