Messina celebrates the International Day of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

"Different Perspectives", a double event in Messina to raise awareness and promote inclusion, with experiential events and round tables on the topic of disability and equal participation in social life.

Messina celebrates the International Day of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Present were the mayor Federico Basile, the councilor for Social Policies Alessandra Calafiore and the councilor for Equal Opportunities and School Policies Liana Cannata, the councilor for cultural policies Enzo Caruso and the president of Messina Social City Valeria Asquini, the event “Different perspectives” took place on Wednesday inside the Basilica Cathedral, which consists of experiential paths to learn about the challenges of disability and attended by a delegation of the city's comprehensive schools.

"Such initiatives - he highlighted Mayor Basile - play an important role because they must lead us to careful reflection, so that our society is increasingly accessible to all and at the same time to promote and raise awareness of the rights and well-being of people with disabilities. It is also necessary to reaffirm the principles of equality and full and total participation in the daily life of the entire community". "Breaking down the culture of indifference and discrimination – they added Councillors Calafiore and Cannata – is a goal to be pursued with initiatives like these, implementing behaviors and attitudes in everyday life that take these values ​​into account. It is essential to talk about it, meet, network and above all act for the good of the entire community".

The initiative was organized by the Municipal Administration, together with Messina Social City, Asp, the University of Messina, the IRCSS, the CNR Irib, the Gaetano Martino Hospital Trust, the National Deaf Organization, the Italian Blind Union, the Hellen Keller Regional Center, the Diocesan Caritas, the Italian Paralympic Committee, Anfas, the Il Volo Association and the cooperative society Audacia, on the occasion of today's "International Day of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities".

On Wednesday afternoon, instead, another event entitled “Disability: Research, good practices for inclusion” took place from 15.30:17 pm to XNUMX:XNUMX pm at the Palacultura “Antonello da Messina”, a round table with the participation of institutions such as the Municipality of Messina, the ASP of Messina, the University, the IRCCS, the CNR-IRIB, the “Gaetano Martino” Hospital Trust, as well as, with the Messina Social City and the involvement of Volunteer Associations and the Third Sector. which deal with this specific sector such as the Diocesan Caritas, the Italian Paralympic Committee, the Cooperative Society “Audacia” and the ANFFAS of Messina, in which an open discussion has developed aimed at taking stock of the research activities in progress and the good practices already implemented and the results achieved which pursue the objective of inclusion and greater awareness in this regard.

Since 2006, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has underlined the need to defend and safeguard, also through the celebration of 3 December, the quality of life of people with disabilities with respect to the principles of equality and participation in the political, social, economic and cultural sphere of society. The MIUR (Ministry of Education and Merit) also intended to celebrate this day by reaffirming these principles, in order to guarantee equal opportunities and absence of discrimination and promoting awareness regarding the different forms of disability. The Municipal Administration, therefore, with this initiative, wanted to join, also this year, the choral intent to draw attention to this particular social and educational theme.

As part of the initiatives promoted on the occasion of this day and the intent to promote its aims throughout the socio-educational path that the Municipal Administration has set itself since its establishment, on January 15, 2025, at the Palacultura Auditorium, a solidarity show “Dance and music beyond barriers” will be held, with the performance of disabled artists, organized by the “Bambini speciali” Association and sponsored by the Municipality of Messina.

Messina celebra la Giornata Internazionale dei Diritti delle Persone con Disabilità

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