Messina, 'EsserCi' Award: Recognition for Messina Volunteering on December 5th and 6th

In Messina, nominations for the 'EsserCi' award are open until November 3 to promote social projects; citizens will choose the winners, celebrating the commitment of local associations.

Messina, 'EsserCi' award: recognition for Messina Volunteering on December 5th and 6th.

The “EsserCi” Award is one of the main novelties of the second edition of “EsserCi Festival. The volunteering that is there”, organized by CESV with the Municipality of Messina on December 5th and 6th at Palazzo Zanca and Santa Maria Alemanna.

They underline it Mayor Federico Basile and Councilor for Social Policies and Volunteering Alessandra Calafiore. "The prize – they add – It is an important opportunity to guarantee your support to those entities of the third sector of Messina that work for the social growth and civic development of our territory. Both the candidacies and the voting are open to all citizens. It is therefore a concrete opportunity for participation and protagonism of the community, capable of making even those who are very distant from these issues 'discover' the value of the commitment and solidarity expressed by many associations, bodies, groups, people".

The “EsserCi” Award – free to enter – is in fact established from CESV Messina to celebrate, with a symbolic recognition, the non-profit organizations of Messina and the province that demonstrate the value of an active and supportive presence in the community, of projects, initiatives and activities that, with innovative and concrete solutions, improve people's lives and strengthen overall well-being.

Applications are underway and will close on Sunday 3rd November. Every citizen can propose the candidacy of a non-profit organization in the metropolitan area of ​​Messina, which in the last two years has realized a project of great social impact (as indicated in the Prize rules).

Applications must be sent through the dedicated portal ( by filling out the reporting form with a description of the project, the results achieved and the impact generated. The CESV Messina ETS will examine all applications received, verifying their authenticity and consistency with the required requirements.

Seven categories: Health and Research (Initiatives aimed at improving the physical and mental well-being of people or promoting scientific research); Arts, Culture and Entertainment (Initiatives that stimulate creativity, cultural participation and the promotion of artistic heritage); Rights and Inclusion (Initiatives promoting human rights, social inclusion and equality); Youth and Future (Initiatives aimed at supporting young people, their civic activism, their training, employability and protagonism); Environment and Nature (Initiatives that focus on environmental protection and the promotion of sustainability); Sport and Well-being (Initiatives that encourage sports practice and healthy lifestyles); Active Ageing / Intergenerational Solidarity (Initiatives that promote dialogue and collaboration between generations, or that improve the quality of life of older people).

The vote will be online, will open on Monday 11 November and close on Sunday 17 November. Anyone who registers on the dedicated platform will be able to vote. Each registered person will be able to vote for one project for each category in the competition and therefore express a total of 7 votes, one for each category. The winners will be announced and awarded during a dedicated event, within the “EsserCi Festival”, the 6th December next.

Messina, premio 'EsserCi': riconoscimento al Volontariato Messinese il 5 e 6 Dicembre

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