Marostica: “This is not love” campaign to promote awareness against gender violence
At the Marostica (VI) headquarters of Confartigianato, The Vicenza State Police participated in a training course for beauticians, organized by the association Soroptmis International – Club of Bassano del Grappa, in collaboration with Confartigianato Vicenza, as part of the permanent campaign of the State Police "This is not love", in order to promote awareness against gender violence.
The initiative, given the dramatic topicality of the matter, from the perspective of prevention, aims at a radical change of pace with respect to the tools to be implemented against gender violence, providing information so that one can make one's contribution, to be an active part of the change.
In the meeting, the first signs of all types of violence have been addressed and clarified, in whatever form it presents itself: physical, sexual, psychological and economic, since all of them compress the dignity and physical and mental integrity of the victims of gender violence, up to the extreme act of femicide and were examined by the staff of the Deputy Commissioner Dr. Elena Gregory, serving in the Anti-Crime Division of the Vicenza Police Headquarters, the tools available to victims, both at a criminal and preventative level, with a complete examination of the police commissioner's warning, the warning for domestic violence and for stalking.
Beauty centers, which are regularly visited by women, can become centers for providing information and encouraging people to seek help.
A valid contribution to the working table was provided, according to their respective competence, by the representatives of the health professionals, of the District 1 ULSS7 Consultancy, by a lawyer of family and minors law and by the Police Forces.
A debate followed with those present, who asked numerous questions and presented some of their considerations on the topic.
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