Marina di Grosseto: The Count of Montecristo inaugurates the fourth edition of the San Rocco Festival
Theatre, music and dance: a month of events in Marina di Grosseto from 20 July – 20 August 2023
Marina di Grosseto: The Count of Montecristo inaugurates the fourth edition of the San Rocco Festival.
Attend the videomapping The Count of Monte Cristo it's a unique opportunity to see one a show that is impossible to replicate elsewhere.
One of the most beautiful novels ever written, combined with cutting-edge live mapping technology, which stands out surprising images against the backdrop of Forte San Rocco, with the original music played on the piano by Angelo Comisso and the masterful voice-over by Sara Donzelli, will make the story enveloping enough to make the spectator live a unique sensorial experience, a form totally immersive artistic experience which you enter and remain completely enveloped by it.
The Count of Monte Cristo is a production of Accademia Mutamenti, created thanks to the contribution of RRD – Roberto Ricci Design and signed by artists who are excellences of the Grosseto area: the inspiration comes from the illustrations of Carlo Rispoli, taken from the comic published by Edizioni Segni d'Autore by Carlo Bazan and taken from Edizioni Montecristo ; Arcidosso's Q2 Visual, who stand out among the leading artists of live mapping in the national field, enhance the images with an imaginative frame of graphic animation, which retraces, explores and explodes the lines and structures of the eighteenth-century fortress.
Text and direction are by Giorgio Zorcù, who rewrote the long novel adapting it to the scene, reversing its perspective: a narrate it is not Edmond Dantès but his beloved Mercedes herrera, which reveals its own personal point of view and his experience throughout the story.
In afternoon of the 20th, pm 18.30, inaugurates at Small San Rocco Auditorium la Show Off Season: exhibition of paintings by Armando Orfeo and Germano Paolini and photographs by Carlo Bonazza created for the 2024 Orfeo Calendar, produced by Photoedizioni and dedicated to raising funds for the Pediatrics department of the Grosseto Hospital, the proceeds from the sales will be used to purchase medical instrumentation. The mostra will remain open and visitable every day from 21.00 pm to 23.00 pm, until July 30th.
The San Rocco Festival, which together with DUNE – Arti Paesaggi Utopie is part of the larger Utopia Laboratory project, is organized by Accademia Mutamenti, with the contribution of the Municipality of Grosseto, the Tuscany Region, the Ministry of Culture, the CR Firenze Foundation, the Pro Loco of Marina and Principina a Mare.
Entrance €10, concessions €8 (under 25, over 65, Pro Loco Marina di Grosseto and Principina a Mare members, Fondazione Grosseto Cultura members). Show Out of season free entry.
– online on place (right to presale €1,00)
- and Marina di Grosseto from Beautiful Ways Viaggi, via IV Novembre 87 – Tel. 0564 330093 – (€0,50 advance sales fee);
- and Grosseto at the Stolzi Moris tobacconist, via Roma 58 – Tel. 0564 21521 (€0,50 advance sales fee)
I Tickets they can be also purchased the same evening as the show, at the entrance to Fort San Rocco (unless they are already sold out in advance).
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