Marche, Bit 2024, environment and sustainable tourism
The most beautiful villages in Italy and Orange Flags: certified tourism for environmental protection
Marche, Bit 2024, environment and sustainable tourism
Aguzzi: “We are carrying out important work to take care of the environment in the small municipalities and villages of the Marche”.
Environmental sustainability is one of the criteria required of the locations that can boast of the Orange Flag recognition. For Municipalities it means undertaking actions in the field of environmental and waste management, adoption of solutions aimed at energy saving and environmental education initiatives and the presence of any elements detracting from landscape and environmental quality.
“A topic fully included within the guidelines followed by the regional environmental department” – said councilor Stefano Aguzzi, who spoke today at Bit in a space dedicated to the environment and sustainable tourism.
The occasion was to present the new Orange Flag projects: “Gusta il borgo” and “Passaporto Arancione” and the thematic projects of the Municipalities of San Ginesio with the international certification “Best Tourism Villages”; of Mercatello sul Metauro with the Bike tour of the Upper Metauro and Foglia Valley; of Cingoli with the 9 Fossi; of Sarnano with “Sarnano more than you imagine”.
“Returning to the Region, we must highlight – continued Aguzzi – the important work that is being carried out precisely to take care of the environment in the small municipalities and villages of the Marche which are jewels that contribute to giving a strong connotation to our region. In this regard, I would like to point out the program agreement signed with the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security which provides for the provision of a loan of €1.700.000,00 in favor of Municipalities and Unions of Municipalities for the creation of urban forests , the announcement of which is expected to be opened shortly."
In the same vein through the regional structure Internal Territories, Parks and Networks Sector ecological policies aimed at improving the environmental and ecological quality of the territory were implemented with a tender financed by ERDF funds of €1.420.000,00 for the implementation of urban and peri-urban green infrastructure projects. The call is active and will close on 05/04/2024.
An environment which must, however, be inclusive and thus, thanks to the activation of the specific regional law, the use of parks and protected areas along hiking routes for disabled people. The managers of parks and nature reserves have 200 thousand euros available to create dedicated routes and to purchase specific aids.
Another very important instrument is the new urban planning law of the Marche Region. Approved on November 30th, it is strictly focused on zero soil consumption and guarantees a high level of environmental protection by promoting strategies and actions aimed at mitigating the effects produced by climate change. “Through this law – explained Aguzzi – the territory is rethought with new criteria which generally tend to provide for minimum land consumption, urban regeneration, the reuse of already built territory, copy planning and the simplification of procedures”.
Aguzzi then recalled that even in the field of active labor policies the possibility of assigning a higher score to those who decide to take advantage of a work grant in the Marche villages has been included, encouraging their recovery and attractiveness.
Among the measures to protect the villages there is also the important investment plan for the mitigation of the hydraulic risk implemented by the Region in recent months.
“The safety of the villages – Aguzzi said – also passes through these fundamental works”.
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