Macerata: web, social and artificial intelligence, the Social Festival protagonist in Piazza della Libertà

Young people, parents, teachers and citizens need to have an ever-increasing awareness in the use of the web, social media and artificial intelligence to grasp both the opportunities and the risks.

Macerata: web, social and artificial intelligence, the Social Festival protagonist in Piazza della Libertà

Great success for the fourth edition of the Social Festival is Saturday September 28 he saw, in Freedom Square, the participation of students, teachers and families. “Enlighten the mind” was the title of the project promoted by the Municipality of Macerata – Department of Social Policies in collaboration with LifeAddicted and Klorophilla and which this year had as its main themes the web, social media and artificial intelligence.

Promoting a culture of the web world, social media and artificial intelligence was the aim of this fourth edition. Young people, parents, teachers and citizens in fact need to have an ever greater awareness in using these tools to seize both the opportunities and the risks. Websites, social media and apps offer new ways to connect, attracting thousands of users thanks to the perception of anonymity that is not always useful for social relationships, the reduction of fear of judgment, the possibility of creating personalized profiles. Opportunities that also bring with them new threats.

Macerata: web, social e intelligenza artificiale, il Social Festival protagonista in piazza della Libertà

“The great success of the Social Festival has allowed us to dialogue with young people and for young people within a container dedicated entirely to them and to the world of the web – said the deputy mayor and councilor for Social Policies Francesca D'Alessandro -. With students and teachers we talked about social media, artificial intelligence, their mechanisms and how they work in relation to what can be the opportunities without forgetting the “dangers”. It is essential to govern the digital phenomenon by enhancing human capabilities without allowing ourselves to be depleted of cognitive faculties and relational skills; as institutions we have the duty to work with young people, families and schools. The Social Festival, in addition to an appointment for reflection, was also an opportunity for fun with the final part of the day. Thanks to all those who made this event possible, which we will continue to develop in the coming years”.

La morning It was opened by the theatrical show “Digital Animals” of and with Simone Faraon while to follow, space for the talk show dedicated to the high schools of Macerata "Shake your head”By Sergio Cavallaro and with the participation of TikTokers, Youtubers, directors and actors: Francesco Broccolo, Alessandro Romagnoli, Barbara Trasatti e Patricia MochiThe appointments were interspersed with musical moments from the “Scodanibbio” Civic Music School.

Macerata: web, social e intelligenza artificiale, il Social Festival protagonista in piazza della Libertà

In pomeriggio the social club took place "Digital Emotions: Opportunities and Risks”, a meeting which saw the participation of the senator Elena Leonardi and Gianni Giuli, Maximilian Stramaglia, Stephen Nassini e Paul Scapellato. Special guest John Siena by Di.Te. National Association of Technological Addictions, Gap and Cyberbullying.

Many young people filled Piazza della Libertà for the final event which saw music and entertainment as protagonists with “Light up the night fluorescent”. On stage, after the live broadcast of Multiradio and the speaker Giusi Minnozzi, the DJ sets alternated Alexander, Francesco Luv, Luca Moretti e Omar Santoni which saw the participation of the vocalist Alex Sblendorio.

Macerata: web, social e intelligenza artificiale, il Social Festival protagonista in piazza della Libertà

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