Lucignano, Maggiolata lucignanese towards the grand finale

On Wednesday 1 June at 21pm the last outing with the night edition will end with the traditional "battle of flowers"

Lucignano, Maggiolata lucignanese towards the grand finale.

Maggiolata lucignanese spared by bad weather on the Sunday of the third outing. In the afternoon the historic center and the surrounding streets of one of the "most beautiful villages in Italy" began to come alive and attendance was considerable for the entire day.

Particularly appreciated, together with the four floats dedicated to Jeff Koons, the performances of the various folk groups linked to historical re-enactments: Group and historical procession of Lucignano, the folk group of Lucignano, Rione Porta Romana of Castiglion Fiorentino, the Urbanitas folk group of Apiro, the Romagna Turibio Barluzzi Singers and Dancers Group of Imola and the City of Mentana Band Association.

The food stands also worked at full capacity and even yesterday managed to process the numerous requests for typical traditional cuisine.

It was a Sunday of great "media" importance, taking into account that Maggiolata was interested Rai3 with a crew who carried out interviews for a report broadcast on the evening news.

Among the guests of the day, enthusiastic about Lucignano's hospitality, Chiara Lanari, head of the cultural office of the Tuscany Region, as well as the mayor of Marciano della Chiana, Maria De Palma.

"Even if it is completely premature to draw up conclusions, we are very satisfied so far - Said Roberta Casini, mayor of Lucignano – of the progress of Maggiolata 2022, which will be remembered for being the one with the restart after two years of forced stop. Everyone's commitment allows us to look with confidence at the latest release and the future of our great event".

There is indeed great anticipation for the final event, that of Wednesday evening 1 June, with the participation of the Lucignano historical group and procession, the Lucignano folkloristic group, the Compagnia il Cilindro of Cortona, the Rosini band of Lucignano with the majorettes”Mens Sana Genesis” of Siena, the historical group Città di Cortona and the Folkloristic Band of Bettolle.

The last outing of the Maggiolata will end with the traditional "battle of the flowers", "the only battle conceivable for us, to which everyone is invited”, He concludes Roberta Casini.


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