Lucignano and Massari Travel, pact for quality tourism

A quality tourist proposal to rediscover small villages

Lucignano and Massari Travel, pact for quality tourism.

Last April the "general rehearsals" as part of “Travelux”, an event dedicated to high-end tourism, when the specialists of Massari Travel, accompanied by the mayor Roberta Casini and by the councillor Stefano Cresti, they had the opportunity, during a detailed inspection, to appreciate Lucignano (AR) as a whole.

Cultural and artistic offer, level of accommodation facilities, quality of catering and hospitality, environment, identity and traditions: all parameters evaluated and corresponding to the hypothesis of a quality tourist proposal to the rediscovery of small villages and the slow tourism.

A continuously growing trend to be intercepted and encouraged, so much so that the municipal administration, with a resolution of the council, has established the figure of "Ambassador of the city of Lucignano”, recognizing this role to Massari Travel. Lucignano is already included, through Perillo Tours America, partner of Massari Travel, in the 9-day tour from Rome to Florence, with dates already scheduled from 20 March to 30 October 2023, as a stop on the fifth day (Monday) with a visit to the museum, tour of the town and time available for lunch in local restaurants.

A complex and "evolved" project, that of Massari Travel and the Municipality, presented to the numerous Lucignano operators on the afternoon of Friday 21 October in the Don Enrico Marini room, which will be developed through a series of online and offline actions: dedicated activities in exclusive to customers, such as the private visit to the museum with an English-speaking guide, visit to the local artisans, establishment of the "Massari Friends" activities of Lucignano: restaurants, B&Bs, wineries, oil mills, artisan companies, will be "recognisable" thanks to a distinctive sign displayed in the shop window or on the counter, offering a special price, a discount or a Massari gadget, even symbolic.

«I have visited the village of Lucignano on several occasions in recent times, drawing from it and strengthening the belief that it is the ideal destination for a public looking for a place for a high-level experience - the marketing specialist told those present Barbara Pardini, project coordinator -. The timely online version – he further explained – includes the inclusion of Lucignano among the "preferred" on the landing page of the Massari Travel portal and the organization of webinars that we will plan during 2023».

The Lucignano destination will also be proposed at the most important BTOB fairs in the leisure sector: ILTM Cannes, Travelux (leisure and luxury) Venice, Meet The Best Matera (events, meetings, weddings) Divino (wine destinations).

«At no cost to our organization - highlights Mayor Roberta Casini - we will be able to count for two years on an internationally qualified partner and extraordinary and unprecedented visibility, with an extremely positive impact in terms of notoriety and attendance. I am sure that our operators and the entire territory will benefit from this agreement, which brings Lucignano into a strategic and qualitatively important area of ​​the tourist offer».

«The meeting with the mayor Roberta Casini and her entire entourage – added the number one of Massari Travel, Sabrina Massari, in receiving the title of “Ambassador of the city of Lucignano”  - it was enlightening. A village not present, hopefully for a short time, in the usual tourist circuits, which will give Massari Travel the opportunity to try its hand at promoting a rare gem. Massari Travel has always been dedicated to the rediscovery of the Italian territory since its birth with my father, Lucio Massari.».

Stefano Cresti, tourism councilor of the Municipality of Lucignano, author of the logo and graphics of the campaign: «This new project is a further step forward for our entire community. Being attractive to external parties with which to build new strategies for tourists means fueling the level of discussion that can contribute to improving reception. Perhaps we can say that we are ready, in our small way, to "export" what I call "lifestyle awareness", a unique recognition of our lifestyle».

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