Livorno: Anti-violence November, a month of events to raise awareness on the issue of violence against women
Il 25 November, International day for the elimination of violence against women, represents an opportunity to intensify awareness-raising initiatives, to create moments of collective reflection and information, increasing the level of awareness on issues related to gender violence, giving voice to those who have experienced violence, providing visibility to all services supporting victims and also acting with a view to prevention through the active involvement of citizens.
The Municipality of Livorno organizes every year the “Anti-violence November”, a calendar of initiatives promoted by the Administration in close synergy with all the subjects of the Anti-Violence Network and with the Associations that collaborate with the Administration, for the management of the Women's Center. Throughout the month, themes and problems of male violence against women will be addressed, through professional development seminars, book presentations, meetings, events and exhibitions: in a city that turns orange to remember what Gender-based violence affects society across the board, regardless of social, economic and cultural background and manifests itself in many forms and each of them represents a violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms, as recognised and enshrined in the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention).
Among the many initiatives, it is worth mentioning the Presentation of the anti-violence network to be held on 26th November al Natural History Museum.
All the details of the program are on the website of the Municipality of Livorno on the page “November Anti-violence”, reachable clicking here.
Saturday 2 November at 15.30pm – Women’s Center (Largo Strozzi, 3)
"Women's Voice: Expression and Awareness Through Singing” curated by Gordon Music Academy
Monday 4 November at 12.00pm – Women’s Center (Largo Strozzi, 3)
Inauguration “Frames of glances: photographic exhibition on gender violence"
by the Randi Association
Wednesday 6 November at 10.30pm – Alveare Children’s Centre (Theatre steps, 28)
Project presentation "The Garden of Respect, Care and Kindness"
by FIDAPA BPW Italy – Livorno section, under the patronage of the Municipality of Livorno
Friday 8 November 9.00 hours – Natural History Museum (via Roma, 234)
"Gender language in the Italian language”, an in-depth seminar on adapting language in a gender equality perspective
edited by FIDAPA and the Equal Opportunity Advisor
Friday 15 November 16.00 hours – Women’s Center (Largo Strozzi, 3)
"Violence against women in the language of the media"
by the Evelina De Magistris Association
Monday 18 November at 18.00pm – Women’s Center (Largo Strozzi, 3)
"Singing the Pain, Transforming the Silence: Textual Analysis of Songs Against Violence Against Women"
by Gordon Music Academy
Tuesday 19 November at 11.00 – Government Palace (Via Fiume) Inauguration of the Red Benches located in via Fiume next to the Prefecture with plaques dedicated
by the Prefecture of Livorno
Thursday 21 November at 17.00pm – Women's Center (largo Strozzi, 3) Presentation of the book “The Scandal of Happiness: The Story of Princess Valdina of Palermo” written by Pina Mandolfo
by the Evelina De Magistris Association
Friday 22 November 17.00 hours – Women's Center (largo Strozzi, 3) Presentation of the book “New beginning” by Elisa Valente
by the New Beginning Association
Saturday 23 November at 18.30pm – Women's Center (Largo Strozzi, 3) “Music and words of women of the world”, musical show with Chiara Pellegrini & Alessia Cespuglio
by the Il Sestante Association
Sunday 24 November 10.00 hours – Big Square
Centaurs on the road against gender violence
by the Ippogrifo Association
Sunday 24 November 18.00 hours – Nautical Club (viale Italia, 12) Award ceremony of the XNUMXth Sailing Trophy “Against the Wind: Livorno Sets Sail Against Violence Against Women"
The regatta is promoted by the Anti-Violence Network of the City of Livorno in collaboration with the Naval League and the Nautical Club of Livorno
by the Ippogrifo Association
Monday November 25
ORANGE THE WORLD: Livorno lights up in orange.
by Soroptmist Club – Livorno
Monday 25 November at 15.30pm – roundabout at the intersection of Viale del Risorgimento and Via Don Bosco
Masha Amini Roundabout Naming Ceremony
Tuesday 26 November at 9.30 – Natural History Museum (via Roma, 234)
Presentation of the Anti-Violence Network of the City of Livorno
Friday 29 November 9.30 hours – CRED (via Caduti del Lavoro, 26) Presentation of the 16th report on gender violence
by the Regional Social Observatory
Promoted by the Ippogrifo Association
The presentation will be attended by: Darya Majidi, President of the National Committee of UN Women Italy, and the Anti-Violence Centers of the Municipality of Livorno (Associazione Ippogrifo and Associazione Randi)
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