Livorno: the ANCI 2024 Summer School has begun, the training school for young administrators hosted in the Palazzo del Portuale

From Thursday 26th to Sunday 29th September, Livorno will host the Summer School, the residential phase preceding the ForsAM – Specialized Training Course in Municipal Administration, the school for young administrators started in 2012 by ANCI (National Association of Italian Municipalities).

Livorno: the ANCI Summer School 2024 has begun, the training school for young administrators hosted in the Palazzo del Portuale.

From Thursday 26th to Sunday 29th September Livorno hosts the summer school, the residential phase preceding the ForsAM – Specialist Training Course in Municipal Administration, the school for young administrators launched in 2012 by ANCI (National Association of Italian Municipalities).

Forty young administrators, selected from all over Italy, will stay in Livorno to begin a training which will give them the opportunity to learn the technical and conceptual tools useful for to face their administrative mission.

Communication, sustainable development, institutional structure of local administrations, local finance, are some of the topics that will be addressed in the four days in Livorno.

Yesterday morning, before the official start of the course, which is housed in the Port Authority Palace, the Summer School 2024 was presented in the Ceremonial Hall of the Town Hall by the mayor Luca Salvetti, Antonella Galdi, Deputy Secretary General of ANCI and Head of PUBLICA – Anci School for young administrators and Gianfranco Simoncini, advisor to the Mayor for Institutional Relations.

“Livorno is hosting the Summer School this year – declared the mayor Luca Salvetti – and he does so with great satisfaction also because the idea of ​​running, together with Gianfranco Simoncini, came to us following the recognition of the particularity of our city: a Very young City Council, the average age is in fact lower than usual with 8 councilors under 35. We can begin to live a new season from this point of view. We often talk about the high age of the ruling class of our country, in this regard, small territories can mark the beginning of a path that leads to reversing the trend".

“The choice made by Anci – added Gianfranco Simoncini – to start the training course for young administrators in Livorno represents an acknowledgement to our city with respect to what the voters have done, choosing so many young people under 35 in the City Council, but for the Administration it is also a way to strengthen a relationship with respect to the creation of policies towards young people. Anci Giovani is very important from this point of view, the Municipality of Livorno with the Mayor has made an even stronger choice than in the past, with a youth department, with targeted policies in this direction, we are also trying to build channels of relationships and financing and with the European Commission itself".

Antonella Galdi, for his part, spoke about the master's degree, about the ways of accessing this training course which aims "to give administrators those skills of knowledge of the framework of rules, of financing opportunities, offering the opportunity to compare the good things that have been achieved in Italy in similar administrations”.

Livorno: è iniziata la Summer School ANCI 2024 la scuola di formazione per giovani amministratori ospitata nel Palazzo del Portuale

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