Lecco: from 23rd to 30th September the European Week of Sport
In Lecco, the program for the 2024 edition is divided into two days: September 26 with "Talenti Sportivi 2024" and September 28 with "Just Play".
Lecco: from 23rd to 30th September the European Week of Sport
The Municipality of Lecco is also adhering this year to the European Week of Sport (European Week of Sport), an initiative launched by the European Commission in 2015 to promote sport, healthy and active lifestyles, and physical and mental well-being which takes place every year by 23 30 to SeptemberThe week is coordinated at national level by the Department for Sport of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and promoted by Sport e Salute Spa.
In Lecco the program of the 2024 edition is divided into two days.
“This year too we are happy to join the European Week of Sport, especially after such a summer full of sporting events – underlines the Councillor for Sport of the Municipality of Lecco Emanuele Torri -. During the week we will have the opportunity to reward a series of sports talents from our area, who during the sports season just ended have achieved important goals, including personal growth. During the week we will also dedicate a day to inclusive sports at the Germanedo playground: this will be a great opportunity for all the kids to get closer to sports disciplines that they may never have tried. A big thank you to all those who will participate and to those who will contribute to the organization of these initiatives”.
Thursday September 26st 18.30 in Piazza Garibaldi (in case of bad weather, at the Sandro Pertini civic centre in via dell'Eremo, 28), the event will be held “Sports Talents 2024“, during which the athletes indicated by the Asd of Lecco will be awarded, who during the 2023-2024 sports season, have achieved important goals for their growth and sports training path.
Saturday 28rd September, from the 10 18: 30 al Playground di Germanedo, will take place "just play“, a day of inclusive recreational and sports activities, with the involvement of the “Antonio Stoppani” middle school and numerous amateur sports associations in the area. The event is open to everyone, with particular attention to the 7-12 age group and aims to promote sports as a game and inclusive sports, as well as introducing new generations to city parks that often offer the opportunity to practice different disciplines. During the day, it will be possible to get closer to mini-basketball, baskin (an inclusive sport inspired by basketball, which integrates differently-abled players with able-bodied players), skateboarding and juggling. In the afternoon, a friendly triangular basketball tournament is planned for the beginners category (11/12 years). There will be music and speaker to lead the activities.
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