
Latina: European Week of Sport 2024 a great success

The Sports Village, as part of the European Week of Sport 2024 program, involved sports associations and clubs from all over the province of Latina, and hosted high-level conferences.

Latina: European Week of Sport 2024 a great success

La European Week of Sport 2024, with a rich program of events, has led to Latina thousands and thousands of people decreeing a success beyond all expectations.

The budget drawn up by the municipal administration, led by the mayor Matilda Celentano, is based on the numbers and the importance of the initiatives carried out within the Sports Village, set up in the historic centre of the capital, with the participation of eight other municipalities in the province of Latina, Sabaudia, Terracina, Fondi, Maenza, Priverno, Pontinia, San Felice Circeo and Formia, under the aegis of Aces of the European Community of Sport, to whom we extend our thanks.

Latina: grande successo la Settimana Europea dello Sport 2024

“We have followed a program aimed at promoting sports activities and healthy and active lifestyles in order to increase the physical and mental well-being of European citizens, based on values ​​of inclusion, well-being and belonging – said the mayor Celentano – The calendar, structured according to these principles, had an absolutely positive response in terms of participation, since many of the proposed activities were accessible to everyone, regardless of age, gender, ability or background. It was an intense week of celebration for the families of our city and the province. We transformed the historic center into a treasure chest of opportunities for all tastes, attracting attendance also for the benefit of commercial activities. I am fully satisfied with the result obtained and this proves us right in wanting to continue in this direction.”

The Sports Village, as part of the European Week of Sport 2024 programme, involved the sports associations and clubs coming from all over the province of Latina, saw the holding of high-level conferences, with the participation of, among many others, Dr. Celestino Buttons, of the Sports Department of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and of the lawyer Giovanni fontana, parliamentary consultant for the Reform of Sport, and of Patrizio oliva, national youth boxing coach.

Latina: grande successo la Settimana Europea dello Sport 2024

“During the past week, the pole vault challenge between Latina and Rieti was held in the city – added the Sports Councillor Andrea Chiarato -, for the entire duration of the program we had a mini basketball tournament and soccer tournaments that involved the entire province. There were intense activities aimed at inclusive sports and above all space was given to initiatives against breast cancer, with the participation of the Lilt girls of the Dragon Boat, and of the Ail which, for the first time in Latina, organized the FitWalking, in which about 800 people participated, to celebrate the World Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Day. The participation in this last initiative is on par with that recorded in Rome for the same event. The success of the entire program was amazing and this pushes us to already get to work for the next edition, with an even more European connotation”.

Latina: grande successo la Settimana Europea dello Sport 2024

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